Mold on bathroom walls and kitchen counter corner, black fuzz on ceiling fans, fuzz on bathroom fans, furnace filter dark grey very furry fuzz, peeling wall paper everywhere kept on in some places by cellophane tape, hair in bathroom, yellow/brown stained mattress pad (unwashed/fresh stain under our clean sheet!), no mattress pad on one bed, smelly leak under kitchen sink, broken screened in porch flapping open let geckos in, handle on microwave falling off, the list could go on and on. We immediately sent texts and pictures to Vacasa, tech came the wrong days to remediate and when they did show up they asked what needed to be done! I started telling them and the. Said “contact Vacasa. We’ve exchanged multiple texts) They fixed the screen, that!’s it. Non stick pots were peeling, virtually no serving/storage containers and those that existed were ancient old carry out food containeers or ancient Tupperware. Carpet was stained and had fuzz so either not vacuumed or vacuumed with really poor vacuum. Decor was really, really out of date, which we expected from the listing, but the place was really, really embarrassing when our family arrived and very unsanitary. Vacasa response/communication was frustrating and non-tesponsive. We will not stay at another Vacasa property. Our other family stayed 1 building over in a beautiful condo rented by owner for much less.