Koko loma-asunto


Valitse päivät nähdäksesi hinnat

tämänhetkiset kuukautesi ovat December 2024 ja January 2025.
joulukuu 2024
tammikuu 2025




9,6 kautta 10.

Poikkeuksellisen hyvä

Koko koti

4 makuuhuonetta4 kylpyhuonetta10 henkilöä418 m²

Suositut palvelut/mukavuudet

  • Poreallas
  • Aamiainen saatavilla
    Aamiainen saatavilla
  • Pyykinpesukone
  • Pysäköinti saatavilla
    Pysäköinti saatavilla
  • Uima-allas
  • Grilli

Tutustu alueeseen

Roatan, Bay Islands
  • Paya Bay Beach (ranta)
    6 min ajomatka
  • Fantasy Island Beach (ranta)
    56 min ajomatka
  • Parrot Tree Beach (ranta)
    89 min ajomatka
  • Roatan (RTB-Juan Manuel Galvezin kansainvälinen lentokenttä)
    109 min ajomatka


Samankaltaisia majoituspaikkoja

Tietoja majoituspaikasta

Kokonaan sinun

Koko koti on vain sinun ja muiden ryhmääsi kuuluvien jäsenten käytössä.


Living Waters on upouusi, huippuluokan, ylellinen, yksityinen, rannalla sijaitseva loma-asunto Roatanissa! Tämä on todellinen ekologisesti ylellinen unelmakoti, jossa on paikan päällä maassa oleva ääretön uima-allas ja aurinkolämmitteinen, UV-suodatettu poreallas! Siellä on myös yksityinen telakka, josta voit nauttia kaikista kuviteltavissa olevista vesitehtävistä. Tämä upea kaksikerroksinen rantahotelli sijaitsee vain muutaman askeleen päässä Karibianmereltä Camp Bayssä, ja se on Roatanin kaikkein turmeltumattoman rannan valkoisella hiekalla ja turkoosi vesillä koti. Se on myös vain lyhyen uimarannan maailman toiseksi suurimpaan koralliriutariffiin! Täällä voit nauttia snorklauksesta, sukelluksesta, leijasurffauksesta, kalastuksesta, yksityisestä veneretkestä ja purjelautailusta, ja voit nauttia kaikista näistä joko yksin tai maailmanluokan ohjeilla Dive Pangea Roatanilta ja Kitesurf Roatanilta, molemmat jotka sijaitsevat vain muutaman sadan metrin päässä rannasta Living Watersista. Snorklausvarusteiden käyttö sekä aikuisille että lapsille, 2 kajakkia ja erikokoisia pelastusliivejä sisältyvät oleskeluasi. Paikalliset ravintolat, kuten La Sirena ja Camp Bay Lodge, tarjoilevat herkullisia tuoreita mereneläviä ja saaren suosikkeja, ja ovat kävelyetäisyydellä. 4100 neliön jalka omakotitalo istuu pitkin omaa 100 jalkaa valkoista hiekkarantaa.  Siellä on neljä makuuhuonetta, 3 1/2 kylpyhuonetta, ja koko koti on sisustettu kauniisti Proimin suunnittelijakalusteilla! Henkeäsalpaavat näkymät avoimesta pohjapiirroksesta näyttävät kuuluisilta sukelluskohteilta, joissa voit nähdä meren dynaamiset ja hiljaiset tunnelmat ja auringon heijastuksen tuottamat eloisat värit sisäisen riutan vastaisesti! Keittiössä on huippuluokan keittiövälineet, veitset, kiviastiat, lasitavara, kahvinkeitin, tehosekoitin ja kaikki tarvikkeet, joita kokki odottaa huippulaatuisessa, yksityisessä keittiössä. Alemman tason makuuhuoneessa on oma oleskelualue lähellä poreallasta ja uima-allasta, ja yläkerran isäntä- ja vierashuoneissa on omat parvekkeet oleskelualueilla, joista molemmista on upeat merinäkymät! Suuri uima-allas ja lämmitetty poreallas sijaitsevat rannan reunaa pitkin kauniita Roatanin riuttoja ja upeita auringonlaskuja! Travertiinikansi on hyvin varustettu ulkona olevalla ruokapöydällä, kiesit, tuolit, oleskelualue ja ulkona olevat stereokaiuttimet nautintoasi varten. On myös kahdeksan rantapalappapöytä, joka on käsityönä tehty aluksen pöydän jäännöksistä, jotka sattuivat pesemään rannalla Living Watersissa.  Mikään loistava ulkouima-alue ei olisi täydellinen ilman huippuluokan propaani-BBQ: ta. Living Waters on varustettu vedenpuhdistusjärjestelmällä, joka tarjoaa vettä koko kodissa, joka on täysin turvallista juoda ja jopa puhtaampaa kuin pullotettu vesi!  Koko talossa on myös nopea internetyhteys, jota palvelee useita wi-fi-reitittimiä, savunilmaisimilla varustettu turvajärjestelmä ja Bluetooth-stereo sekä stereokaiuttimien sisä- että ulkopuolella. Kaikissa neljässä makuuhuoneessa on yhteensä viisi LED-älytelevisiota, yksi olohuoneessa ja muut. Living Waters tarjoaa täyden concierge-palvelun, joka on saatavana paikallisen kiinteistöpäällikkömme kautta.  Yksityinen kokki ja hieroja ovat myös saatavilla pyynnöstä.  Tarjoamme myös kuljetuksen lentokentälle ja lentokentältä lisämaksulla, ja pysähdymme ruokakauppaan varastoidaksesi kaiken tarvittavan, jotta vierailustasi tulisi nautittavampi. Päätavoitteemme on tehdä vierailustasi Living Watersissa yksi elämäsi ikimuistoisimmista kokemuksista!

Makuuhuoneet ja kylpyhuoneet Makuuhuone 1: 1 king parisänkyllä oma kylpyhuone Makuuhuone 2: 2 parisänkyä yhdellä pesuallasella oma kylpyhuone Makuuhuone 3: 1 king makuuhuone 4: 1 queen makuuhuone 3 ja 4 jakaa tupla-allas kylpyhuone Muut palvelut: Concierge-palvelu, etukäteen ruokaostokset, järjestetty kuljetus, yksityinen sukellus, leijasurffaus, kalastusmatkat, kokkipalvelut ja maaherra haraisevat rantaa ja puhdistavat uima-altaan päivittäin
Tämä huvila on saanut loistavaa palautetta avuliaasta henkilökunnastaan. Majoituspaikka sijaitsee lähellä kohdetta Paya Bay Beach (ranta). Majoituspaikka tarjoaa asiakkaille esimerkiksi aamiaisen (lisämaksusta), kuumavesialtaan ja concierge-palvelut. Huvilassa tarjoaa asiakkaille yksityisen uima-altaan ja keittiön.
  • Ilmastoitu huvila, jossa asiakkaille on tarjolla yksityinen uima-allas, keittiö ja pyykinpesukone
  • Aamiainen saatavilla lisämaksusta
  • Majoituspaikan tarjoamiin palveluihin sisältyvät concierge ja lastenvahti
  • Sijaitsee 23,4 km:n päässä kohteesta Fantasy Island Beach (ranta) ja 44,3 km:n päässä kohteesta Playa de Sandy Bay
Tämä huvila tarjoaa asiakkaiden käyttöön kuumavesialtaan, grillejä ja puutarhan. Vastaanotto on avoinna ympäri vuorokauden.

Tämä huvila on savuton.


Blaine Bell

Puhutut kielet

Englanti ja espanja

Majoituspaikan palvelut/mukavuudet


  • Rannalla
  • Rantapyyhkeet
  • Rantatuolit


  • Aidattu yksityinen uima-allas
  • Hieronta
  • Poreallas


  • Saatavilla huvilassa: Wi-Fi

Pysäköinti ja liikenneyhteydet

  • Paikan päällä pysäköinti sisältää autotallin


  • Astianpesukone
  • Jääkaappi
  • Jääkone
  • Kahvin-/vedenkeitin
  • Keittiösaareke
  • Keittovälineet, astiat ja ruokailuvälineet
  • Leivänpaahdin
  • Liesi
  • Mausteita
  • Mikroaaltouuni
  • Paperipyyhkeet
  • Tehosekoitin
  • Uuni


  • Aamiainen saatavilla lisämaksusta
  • Kokkipalvelu
  • Ruokapöytä


  • 4 makuuhuonetta
  • Lakanat saatavilla


  • 3,5 kylpyhuonetta
  • Hiustenkuivaaja
  • Kylpyamme tai suihku
  • Pyyhkeet saatavilla
  • Saippua
  • Sampoo
  • Vessapaperi


  • Olohuone
  • Ruokapöytä


  • DVD-soitin
  • Kirjoja
  • Stereot
  • Älytelevisio ja kaapeli-/satelliittikanavat


  • Grilli
  • Parveke
  • Puutarha
  • Puutarhakalusteet


  • Pyykinpesukone

Ilmastointi ja lämmitys

  • Ilmastointi


  • Lemmikkejä ei sallita


  • Savuton majoituspaikka

Palvelut ja mukavuudet

  • Concierge-palvelut
  • Siivouspalvelu (pyynnöstä)
  • Silitysrauta/-lauta


  • Lähellä valtamerta
  • Maaseudulla
  • Veden äärellä


  • Kajakki
  • Vesiurheiluvälineitä
  • Golfmahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Kajakkimelontamahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Kalastusmahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Laitesukellusmahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Moottoriveneilymahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Purjehdusmahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Ratsastusmahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Snorklausmahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Villieläinkävelyretkiä lähistöllä


  • Häkävaroitin (majoittaja on ilmoittanut, että majoituspaikassa on häkävaroitin)
  • Savuvaroitin (majoittaja on ilmoittanut, että majoituspaikassa on savuvaroitin)
  • Ensiapulaukku
  • Palosammutin
  • Suoratelkilukko


  • Housekeeping (on request)
  • Majoitustilan koko: 418 neliömetriä
  • Puutarha



Sisäänkirjautuminen alkaa klo 15.00


Uloskirjautuminen ennen klo 10.00

Sisäänkirjautumisen erikoisohjeet::

Saat majoittajalta ohjeet sisään- ja uloskirjautumiseen sähköpostitse.


  • Lemmikkejä ei sallita

Lapset ja varavuoteet

  • Lapset ovat tervetulleita.

Tärkeää tietoa

Hyvä tietää

Tätä majoituspaikkaa hallinnoi majoitusyritys. Se tarjoaa majoitusta kaupankäynti-, ammatinharjoittamis- tai liiketoimintatarkoituksissa.
Lisähenkilöistä saatetaan veloittaa maksu, joka vaihtelee majoituspaikoittain
Sisäänkirjautumisen yhteydessä saatetaan vaatia virallinen kuvallinen henkilöllisyystodistus sekä pankki- tai luottokortti tai käteisellä maksettava takuumaksu mahdollisten lisämaksujen varalta.
Erityispyyntöjen toteutuminen riippuu saatavuudesta sisäänkirjautumishetkellä, ja niistä saatetaan veloittaa lisämaksuja. Erityispyyntöjen toteutumista ei voida taata.
Juhlien tai ryhmätapahtumien järjestäminen on kielletty majoituspaikassa
Majoittaja on ilmoittanut, että majoituspaikassa on häkävaroitin
Majoittaja on ilmoittanut, että majoituspaikassa on palovaroitin
Tämän majoituspaikan turvaominaisuuksiin kuuluu palosammutin, ensiapupakkaus ja suoratelkilukko
Tätä majoituspaikkaa hallinnoi kumppanimme Vrbo. Saat Vrbolta sähköpostitse linkin Vrbo-tilille, jonka kautta voit muuttaa varaustasi tai peruuttaa sen.
Saat majoittajalta sisään- ja uloskirjautumisohjeet sähköpostitse. Saat myös Vrbolta sähköpostitse linkin Vrbo-tilille, jonka kautta voit hallinnoida varaustasi.

Majoituspaikka tunnetaan myös nimellä

"living Waters Luxury Beachfront Vacation Villa
"living Waters Roatan" Luxury Beachfront Vacation
"living Waters Luxury Beachfront Vacation
"living Waters front Vacation




Poikkeuksellisen hyvä

Arvosana 10 - Loistava. 36 kautta 41 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 8 - Hyvä. 3 kautta 41 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 6 - OK. 1 kautta 41 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 4 - Huono. 0 kautta 41 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 2 - Hirveä. 1 kautta 41 arvostelua" "




10/10 Loistava

Jerry J.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Great Beach Getaway
This property is fantastic. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay and wish we could have stayed longer. There were some initial problems with the A/C but property management resolved the issue promptly. Lots of extras including pool toys, kayaks, snorkeling gear and the pool was fantastic. We picked the property because my wife is handicapped and has extreme difficulty with stairs. There are only a few stairs into the property and the ground floor is on one level with 2 steps down to the swimming pool. Handrails adjacent to stairs from garage and somewhere going down to the pool would be helpful but most people are probably don't need them. In any case we will be back soon.
Yöpyi 7 yötä syyskuussa 2024

10/10 Loistava

Josh B., Atlanta, USA

Hyvää: Siisteys
Nice House with a Beautiful Dock
This is a beautiful spot with a great dock. Lots of snorkeling and fishing right in front of the house. The property manager and cook were a delight and we really enjoyed the experience. It's about an hour north of the west end which makes it very quite. If you go, plan to stay at the house most of the trip because the drive is pretty bad. We did a couple day trips to west end and french cay and it was just not worth the drive. The days we went diving with Kite Surf Roatan and Fishing with Hanford were amazing. They picked us up at the dock and I wish we had focused all our activities around the house and the north camp bay area rather than driving towards the west end. If you stay here do all your trips locally through folks recommended by the host or that are near camp bay. Definitely get Dulce to cook for you because she is great and the grocery stores are far far away. Our HVAC electrical bill was just north of $500 and food for most of the week was around $$1,700. Definitely take the kayaks out and snorkel.
Yöpyi 7 yötä toukokuussa 2024

10/10 Loistava

David M.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Perfect place to stay in Roatan
The house has everything you need for an amazing experience.
Yöpyi 12 yötä huhtikuussa 2024

6/10 OK

Jory H.

Amazing place. But roaches in kitchen
Place is beautiful. Walk to restaurant was nice. Construction across the road was bad. . Pools was great. We didnt run the ac's other than at night in 2 bedrooms because we heard it would be expensive. We were still charged over 125 dollars for 3 nights in the heat.. There were alot of cockroaches in the kitchen. Which i know, its common on the beachfront resorts, but still, this is a luxury home at a high price, that should be under better control. They ended up in our luggage and had to do a deep clean at home. The ice machine was real nice. Views were amazing. Caretaker is there alot. Comes and goes. Was nice and sometimes not very private. We enjoyed camp bay alot which is a nice easy walk there. We would come back once the electrical costs are more upfront and assured roach problem is handled.
Yöpyi 3 yötä maaliskuussa 2024

10/10 Loistava

Brent O.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Off the beaten path, wonderful house
Incredible house, fantastic location if you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of tourist areas. Amazing house staff Dulce the chef is so sweet and Lany the house groundskeeper was amazing ( even took our boys to the reef for snorkeling ). Comfortable beds, good wifi ( sometimes you need to change routers ). You can walk west down the beach for about a mile. If you want to get away from it all, this is the place. It’s about 50 min from the airport so be ready for a longer drive ( we used the house provided shuttle service ) Larry was an awesome driver. Fantastic experience.
Yöpyi 7 yötä maaliskuussa 2024

10/10 Loistava

Steve J.

Hyvää: Siisteys
An absolute Slice of Paradise
AMAZING, PERFECT, UNFORGETTABLE!!! Those are just 3 of the many words that I could use to describe and explain our experience of Living Waters. I am not sure if there is anything that I could complain about or anything that we would change. The house is amazing and exactly as described. The staff is attentive and so great. The correspondence and attention to details prior to arriving were perfect. We will absolutely be back and could not recommend this house more - it was everything we wanted, could hope for and so much more. A few recommendations - make it a true getaway by hiring Dulce to cook all of your meals. They are all great and she is amazing. Go diving or snorkeling with Handford - it was so amazing. Take the kayaks (or walk) to the little bar/restaurant down the beach. It is everything you could ever want from a local place serving drinks! And most of all, just relax and enjoy Living Waters for everything it has to offer - the tranquility, the peace, the quiet and the ability to disconnect with friends and/or family for an unforgettable experience. WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND! Thanks so everyone for an amazing time.
Yöpyi 3 yötä syyskuussa 2023

8/10 Hyvä

Rachel H.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Overall a lovely trip
The property was beautiful and clean. The cook is definitely worth hiring. She was kind, attentive, and made amazing meals. The price for the food ended up being around $140 more than we were initially told it would be. It wasn't done purposely and it was an honest mistake, but it was still inconvenient for us because everything was being paid in cash. We stayed for 3 nights and mostly only used the AC at night. It added about $150 for the electricity to our bill. It's all mentioned beforehand - just remember to plan and leave room for the extra cost. The property manager booked our transportation, the cook, and massages at the property for us. She was very responsive. She dropped the ball on booking one of our excursions, so we didn't get to do the activity that we were looking forward to the most. She did try very hard to fix it, but there were no more reservations avaliable for the activity we wanted. However, she recommended another activity, and we ended up having a great time doing it. Overall, it was a nice trip.
Yöpyi 3 yötä elokuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Jen S.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Private paradise
I stayed at Living Waters with my husband/3 kids (14, 11, 9) last week. As others have described, the house is on the east end of the island. We prefer privacy and were happy to make the drive because the house/beach were absolutely beautiful and peaceful. Additionally, the drive is a great way to see the island! We hired Angelo with Cleve Bodden's company to provide transport to and from the airport, as well as one additional day for an island tour and trip down to West Bay Beach - I would not want to stay in West End/Bay because it's crowded even when no cruise ships, but it was fun to drive down there for a day - the beach is white sand and the water is turquoise and calm. (If anyone in your party is prone to car sickness, give them Dramamine an hour before making the ride.) The house itself is very comfortable - the beds are excellent, the linens are soft, and the house is well appointed. If you can swing it, hire Dulce to cook while you are there. She is an excellent cook and a gem of a woman. Lanny took us out for a kayak and snorkel trip one afternoon and it was amazing. The reef was about 500 yds out from the house, it was an easy kayak trip and Lanny knew right where to go. The water in Camp Bay is very nice, but it was windy and so a little rough - I would just bring life jackets that fit your kids (if you have kids) so that you don't have to be on alert. We also hired Joseph Jackson to pick us up at the dock for a snorkeling trip and it was a highlight of the trip!
Yöpyi 7 yötä heinäkuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Matt T.

Hyvää: Siisteys
The property is amazing. It is located far on the North East side of island, far away from the tourist end of Roatan. The house is beautiful, clean and comfortable. It is a great place to come back to after spending the day diving, fishing or exploring Roatan. The home is even more beautiful in person than in pictures. Communication with the Owner (Blaine Bell) and the property manager (Sherri) was excellent. But, the stars are definitely Deysi, Dulce and Lany! Deysi met us at the airport, helped us get out rental car, took us grocery shopping, took us to the home (it's about 1.2 hours from the airport), got us checked in and showed us everything we needed to know about the house. She was professional, helpful and friendly. Lany is the onsite property maintenance/tour guide/jack of all trades person. He was very helpful at all times, very friendly and professional. We enjoyed his company a great deal. He is a wealth of information and can help you with fishing, diving, hiking, etc. We all fell in love with Dulce! Dulce is a wonderful chef and an absolutely beautiful human! Her meals are all made fresh and delicious. Fish, shrimp, fritters, beans, fresh fruit, fresh made juice, etc. All top notch. My wife and I have dined at some of the best restaurants on the planet and we'd put Dulce's meals up against any of them. It was so much fun getting to know her and spend time with her. Living Waters is amazing. Stay here! you'll be glad you did. We certainly are.
Yöpyi 5 yötä kesäkuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Ken K., Tampa, Florida

Hyvää: Siisteys
Too much to share
This was our first trip to Roatan so we had a ton of questions... everyone we interacted with was beyond helpful and responsive. From Sherri, to Deysi, to Lanny and Dulce the team and staff was top notch! The house itself is beautiful and perfectly appointed. The bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen and living spaces are perfect for a comfortable stay. The house is very clean and you have everything you need - from towels and toiletries to outside kayaks, snorkel gear, and chairs. We arranged to be picked up at the airport and were greeted and made a stop at the grocery store for provisions. We opted to have Dulce cook for us for 4 of the days and that was well worth it - aside from her cooking, she was flexible with us as we had some excursion changes during the week. She added to the experience for everyone. Lanny was there everyday and jumped right in when we had questions or any issues (which were few and minor) - he even helped us resupply on some items we went through quickly! We can't wait to go back! Tips for travelers: count on Dulce for most of your meals - you'll have leftovers! Be sure to get everything you think you'll need for the week because it's not easy getting to the store once you're there - you'll want to spend your time in Living Waters and not on the roads. Eat down the beach at La Sirena - great food and a short walk down the beach. Be sure to kayak out to the reef and take your snorkel gear too.
Yöpyi 7 yötä kesäkuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Phillip L.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Amazing location for a kiteboarding family vacation
We were two families with kids ages 5 to 12. All of the adults are kiteboarders and that is why we picked that house. It is very well located on the best beach for kiteboarding in Roatan and just meters away from the kite school. The house itself is very well equipped and quite spacious. Great rooms with beautiful views as well as plenty of space. The pool is a very good size. The hot tub did not work the whole time we were there. The house is equipped with snorkeling gear and kayaks which we also enjoyed.
Yöpyi 8 yötä huhtikuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Shelly W.

Hyvää: Siisteys
The Perfect Friends Getaway
We were a group of 8 friends from all over the US looking, for a great getaway and we found exactly what we were looking for at Living Waters. The property is exactly as advertised!! The house is well laid out, and virtually soundproof (we never heard any noise from each other while in our rooms) the beds are incredibly comfortable and the pool was perfect and refreshing. As mentioned in other reviews, La Sirena and Camp Bay Lodge are an easy walk from the house and are both great places to grab some good drinks and food. We elected to have Dulce cook us a few breakfasts and dinners and wow, everything was amazing. I will point out, that it was a little unclear to us how the pricing for Dulce works. You are charged the same amount for her per day, whether she makes you 1 meal or 3 meals, so if you plan to have meals cooked for you, plan for 3 a day. Lany was so sweet and helpful. He took the ladies out kayaking and snorkeling one day and he kept us safe and highly entertained. If you’re into scuba diving, there is a dive shop 2 doors down (Dive Pangea Roatan) from Living Waters. They came and gave us our diving instructions right in the pool. Our group just loves the East End of the Island, but we do recommend renting a car if you want to get out and explore the rest of the island too. The staff of Living Waters are more than accommodating and will do their best to meet any request. We asked Sherri to have groceries waiting for us at the house when we arrived so that we could skip the stop at the grocery store- everything we asked for was provided and the beer and wine were chilled and on ice when we got to the house!! This was SO nice. I speak for the entire group when I say that Living Waters is a dream property, that met all of our expectations and left us wanting to buy a place of our own in Roatan.
Yöpyi 7 yötä maaliskuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Jan W.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Winter getaway
Great property, well kept and clean.
Yöpyi 14 yötä helmikuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Jay D., Kansas City

Hyvää: Siisteys
Perfect Caribbean Getaway
My wife and I looked forward to relaxing for a week on a beautiful Caribbean bay. Living Waters, for us, was exactly what we anticipated it would be. The entire staff couldn’t do more to make sure our stay was amazing. The house is the best on Camp Bay. We opted for Dulce’s cooking services, and she made 3 amazing meals a a day. Deysi was a great island guide as she drove us from and back to the airport. Lany was a wealth of knowledge, attended to the property every day, ran a couple of ice runs for us and could have taken us out snorkeling on the reef if we wanted. Naive prepped the house so it was sparkling clean when we walked in the door. Sherri was excellent to work with about the reservation details and groceries for our meals. The beach walks were great - head west over east, in our opinion. See if you, like us, will be lucky enough to find and add a conch shell to the house dock’s collection. We look forward to returning. Fair warning - as advertised, Living Waters being located on Camp Bay is some distance from the West End. It could seem remote. That was exactly what we wanted: no jet skis, helicopter tours or parasailing to spoil our respite. There is an open-air bar/restaurant a bit down the beach to the west at Camp Bay Lodge, where you can also go kite sailing. A couple of other restaurants are to the east. We hung out at the house enjoying Dulce’s cooking and drinking our own daiquiris and pina coladas. Keep your eyes peeled when outside for some of the monkey lala lizards (and enjoy Roatan’s specialty frozen cocktail of the same name when you can). We adopted a small bat who hung out around the outside of the house and named him Skippy. Seriously, this was a fantastic place for us, and we hope it will be for you as well.
Yöpyi 7 yötä tammikuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Tim P.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Had a wonderful week.
The house is beautiful and well kept, and Dulce (cook) and Lany (handyman and groundskeeper) are delightful. The setting is idyllic, with a great pool, hot tub, kayaking, and swimming off the dock. The beach isn't as open as it looks in the photos as the shrubs have kind of taken it over, presumably to help stop erosion, but there's plenty of open space for hanging out. I do echo the comments in many of the other posts: the house is a loooong way from pretty much anything, so once you are there, you are there. There are a couple of very fun, small bar/restaurants a few hundred metres away on the beach, and a small dive shop (book early as they were full when we were there). There are no stores within 30 minutes of the property over rough roads, so be sure to order absolutely everything you need in advance, including booze, coffee, tea, and bug spray. On the latter, the sand flies were a nuisance but not enough to ruin anything. Overall, if you are looking for a very secluded, quiet, and relaxing vacation, this is a wonderful setting and the property management team and staff are fantastic.
Yöpyi 7 yötä joulukuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

Kayla G.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Birthday Getaway
Myself and four other girls stayed at this beautiful house for 5 days. The home was just as described in the pictures. It was clean and we felt safe. We were here for a girls trip and to celebrate one of the girls birthday. We told Sherri we wanted a surprise birthday dinner on the beach for the birthday girl and she made it happen. Dulce and her daughter cooked an amazingly tasty meal. They were super sweet and accommodating. Lanny the property manager was also very helpful during our stay. Deysi was very patient with us and waited for us while we went shopping at the grocery store. The road to the house is quiet bumpy but it was well worth it. The home is on the east end of the island which is less developed than the west end of the island. If you’re looking for a lively touristy area this may not be the house for you unless you plan on renting a car to take yourself around. But the neighboring town of Punta Gorda is lively on Sundays and has really good food. Overall, my girls and I were very pleased with our stay and definitely recommend it.
Yöpyi 5 yötä syyskuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

Sean K.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Beautiful place to stay
We really enjoyed our time here. The place is beautiful. We had Dolce cook for the day and it an incredible experience.
Yöpyi 5 yötä elokuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

Kerri B.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Best Vacation Ever
We have stayed at Living Waters for the second time now and we couldn't be happier. We love this place and its location. Dulce cooked for us one day and her meals are absolutely outstanding. We will forever come back to this house when we choose to vacation in Roatan.
Yöpyi 7 yötä heinäkuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

Carla S.

Hyvää: Siisteys
On behalf of our entire vacation group, I wanted to express our gratitude to the hosts and staff of Living Waters. This was a phenomenal vacation and I can attest that the pictures online only encapsulate a portion of the beauty. A very special thanks to Sherri (Manager), Lany (Caretaker), Dulce & Naive (Cooks). This group of people will remain in our hearts and we continue to keep in touch! I would say that we are a fairly boujee group and no task was to big for this wonderful group of people. Dulce & Naive we’re very accommodating to our children’s preferences, fresh Ceviche everyday, and amazing array of food that would impress any foodie! Camp Bay is about a 1 minute walk to the West with Kite Surfing, Bar/Food, great brownies for the kiddos. La Sirena is about a 5 minute walk the other direction (little rocky), but amazing Rum punches and Lobster. (Lesson Learned) 1. Expect a fairly long wait at the airport for customs, roughly 1.5 hours. 2. Car ride from airport is about 50 minutes and most of the supermarkets are by the airport if you want to travel into town. We elected to pay extra to just have all the stuff already at the house (highly recommend b/c after the long wait at the airport all you will want to do is go relax). 3. Do a little research on Sand-fleas. Everyone got some bites and a few of us had much worst reactions than others. 4. Bring cash…some of the places do not accept cards. So anything you want extra (travel, massage, store run, etc) will not be added to your final bill, therefore cash is key! Again an amazing vacation and we can’t wait to come back!
Yöpyi 5 yötä kesäkuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

Sonia O., Cypress TX

Hyvää: Siisteys
Amazing property!
Amazing property!
Yöpyi 5 yötä kesäkuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

Lucas Alejandro L.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Paradise on earth
You cannot go wrong renting this house. The drive from the airport to the property is long (45 min/1 hour,) but once you arrive to the house the drive is totally justified. I highly recommend hiring Chef service, not only because there are not grocery stores nearby, but every meal we had was beyond delicious. House itself its beautiful. Every room is spacious and with A/C. Enjoy the pool, jacuzzi, or the beach, which its just a steps away, where you can snorkel and do water sports. The property has a pier from where you can not only take a boat but also enjoy gorgeous sunsets. Finally, the managerial team is a 10/10. They answered fast to any of our questions and needs.
Yöpyi 10 yötä huhtikuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

John P.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Nice place to stay
Great location on the mile plus long secluded sand beach. Short walk to the Kiteboarding school. Nice pool and dock in the ocean. The house and amenities we perfect for our family.
Yöpyi 9 yötä maaliskuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

John D.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Living waters
The property is as advertised. It looks exactly like the photos. It is well maintained. The property manager, Sherry arranged all our excursions and due to weather (our weather caused the plane to be delayed 2 days) rearranged all our excursions. Sherri is prompt and gets back to you very quickly. Lonnie the grounds keeper keeps the outside as clean as the inside. He always made a point to ask if we needed anything. The highlight of the trip was taking advantage of the cook. Dulce cooked and cleaned 3 meals a day. Her food is delicious and she cooked to accommodate everyone’s like. For example 2 of us don’t like fish. No problem! she would cook chicken or beef for us and fish for others. Dulce is a real asset to the property. She was there but never intrusive. We enjoyed meeting her and a couple of her children she only brought 1 at night to help (there were 6 of us) Overall great rental and I highly recommend!
Yöpyi 7 yötä helmikuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

Vicky H.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Amazing Place
This property was everything that it stated and more!! We enjoyed every second and the staff is wonderful!!
Yöpyi 7 yötä tammikuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

Cathy O., New Braunfels, Texas

Hyvää: Siisteys
Family Christmas vacation
Living Waters is a beautiful home and is the perfect place for rest and relaxation. It is in a remote, quiet area away from the "tourist" attractions, which is what we wanted. The house is beautiful and was very comfortable for our group of 7.
Yöpyi 5 yötä joulukuussa 2021