Koko loma-asunto·Yksityinen majoittaja

Upea Eco-Luxury Villa Karibianmerellä Mukana 94 jalka-allas, vuodepaikkoja 16

Valitse päivät nähdäksesi hinnat

tämänhetkiset kuukautesi ovat December 2024 ja January 2025.
joulukuu 2024
tammikuu 2025

Majoituspaikan Upea Eco-Luxury Villa Karibianmerellä Mukana 94 jalka-allas, vuodepaikkoja 16 valokuvagalleria

5 makuuhuonetta, tallelokero huoneessa, silitysrauta/-lauta


10 kautta 10.

Poikkeuksellisen hyvä

Koko koti

5 makuuhuonetta1 kylpyhuone16 henkilöä557 m²

Suositut palvelut/mukavuudet

  • Kuntosali
  • Poreallas
  • Pysäköinti saatavilla
    Pysäköinti saatavilla
  • Uima-allas
  • Pyykinpesukone
  • Grilli

Tutustu alueeseen

Vieques, Vieques
  • Coconut Beach
    1 min kävelymatka
  • Esperanza Malecón
    13 min kävelymatka
  • Playa Esperanzan ranta
    15 min kävelymatka
  • Vieques (VQS-Antonio Rivera Rodriguez)
    18 min ajomatka


Tietoja majoituspaikasta

Kokonaan sinun

Koko koti on vain sinun ja muiden ryhmääsi kuuluvien jäsenten käytössä.

Upea Eco-Luxury Villa Karibianmerellä Mukana 94 jalka-allas, vuodepaikkoja 16

Encantada Vieques on viiden hehtaarin suuruinen kiinteistö, joka rajoittuu Karibianmerelle, joka sijaitsee Esperantan länsipuolella Viequesin eteläpuolella. Tämä upouusi koti on avoin ylellinen huvila, jonka on suunnitellut kuuluisa arkkitehti John Hix, joka maksimoi Viequesin luonnon kauneuden. Kotona on upeat näkymät Karibiin joka huoneessa, mukaan lukien viisi ulkosuihkut. Lounge 94-jalka-infinity-altaalla, nauti katon kannella cocktaileja ja kävellä Coco Beach. Varaa nyt, tuo kamera!

Olen oikeutetusti sitä mieltä, että tämä on kaunein paikka planeetalla! Niin paljon, että sukuani ja minä menemme naimisiin täällä helmikuussa 2019. Joten rahat ovat minne suuni on, niin sanotusti. Ja me rakastaisimme isännöidä sinua ensimmäisellä (tai seuraavalla!) vierailu Vieques.

Encantada on avoin, konkreettinen ekoturvallinen huvila, joka yhdistää sisä- ja ulkotilat saumattomasti yhteen ja antaa sinulle todellisen luonnon nauttimisen kaukaisessa saaren paratiisissa. Koko talossa ei ole lainkaan lasia, mutta lämpötila on täydellinen.

Mukava 94 jalka uima-allas portaita keittiö, ruokailutila ja asuintilaa ja kahden minuutin kävelymatkan alas porteilla sisäänkäynnin, tämä koti on juuri sitä, mitä olet odottanut ja lukeminen kokemuksia Vieques.

Ennen kuin nukut, katsot yötaivaan ja näet Linnunradan, Marsin, Saturnuksen ja Jupiterin selvästi ja ymmärrätte, että kaikkialla, missä tavallisesti matkustat, on valon saastuminen, joka tuhoaa tähtinäkymät. Kun heräät aamulla, näet villit hevoset kävelyllä rannalla ja kuulevat aallot syksyllä rannalla.

Hämärässä, AKA "kultainen tunti" näet kauneimmat auringonlaskut heijastuvat pilvien ja kookospalmujen päästä kohti taivasta länteen omaisuutta. Voit miettiä, miksi sinun pitäisi jopa lähteä illalliselle ilmiömäisissä paikallisissa ravintoloissa, kun voisit vain valmistaa hampurilaisia ​​grilliin ja juoda oluita ja jäädytettyjä juomia auringon laskiessa.

Hyvä, tarpeeksi romantiikkaa. Jotkut nopeat faktoja talosta ja omaisuudesta:

-Encantada on 3 minuutin ajomatkan tai 10 minuutin kävelymatka Esperanza, kaunis, unelias kalastajakylä etelärannikolla, joka on nopeasti tulossa keskittimen matkailun Vieques

-Hotellissa on 6 000 neliömetriä asuintilaa ja mukavasti nukkuu 16. Se s käyttää viisi makuuhuonetta (joista kaksi on nukkuja sohvat lisäksi niiden king size-vuoteet) + yksi toimisto vuodesohva

-Tässä on 94 jalka -tyyppinen uima-allas, joka istuu aivan tärkeimmän elintilaa vastaan ​​ja kohtaa kohti Karibianmerelle

-On kävelemässä alas uima-altaalta aidatulla rannan sisäänkäynnillä, joka avautuu Cocon rannalle, joka on yksi kauneimmista rannoista, jotka olen koskaan nähnyt. Victoria s Secret Swim 2015 kuvattiin täällä rannalla.

-Tämä on kaunis maisemointi kuten sisäpihan bambu puutarhat, rehevä allas istuttajien ja useita ulkona suihkut

-Kaikki laitteet ovat upouusia ja huippuluokkaa. Wolf-uuni, Sub-Zero-jääkaappi ja pakastin, kaksi paria pesukone ja kuivausrumpu jne. Täydellinen luksus.

- Samoin kaikki huonekalut ovat aivan uusia, pääasiassa restaurointilaitteita, jotka ovat tuoneet kontteja Manner-USA: sta ja suunniteltu olemaan rantamaisia, puhdas ja moderni ja mahdollistavat täydellisen rentoutumisen jälkeen

Oma erittäin kokemuksellinen majoituspäällikkö, Karen, on saatavilla halutessasi loman aikana. Hän tietää Viequesin melko hyvin ja on käsitellyt jokaista vuokra-asiaa auringon alla hänen muita ominaisuuksiaan kohtaan. Hän on todella korvaamaton resurssi, joka on omistautunut tekemään vierailustasi Viequesissa aivan uskomatonta. Rakastuin Viequesiin noin kaksi vuotta sitten ja haluan vain viettää enemmän aikaa siellä. Olen enemmän kuin mielelläni jakaa suosikki saaren toimintaa ja ravintoloita mukanasi. Tavoitteenamme on auttaa sinua kokemaan parhaat, mitä Vieques on tarjonnut.
Tämä huvila sijaitsee vain lyhyen kävelymatkan päässä kohteesta Coconut Beach. Majoituspaikka tarjoaa asiakkailleen esimerkiksi ulkouima-altaan, kuntosalin ja kuumavesialtaan. Huvilassa tarjoaa asiakkaille yksityisen uima-altaan ja keittiön.
  • Huvilassa tarjoaa asiakkaille yksityisen uima-altaan, keittiön ja pyykinpesukoneen/kuivausrummun
  • Voit käydä uimassa majoituspaikan ulkouima-altaassa tai rentoutumassa sen kuumavesialtaassa
  • Majoituspaikan alueella on tarjolla kuntosali ja leikkikenttä
  • Sijaitsee 7 minuutin ajomatkan päässä kohteesta Bahía bioluminescente ja 12 minuutin ajomatkan päässä kohteesta Viequesin lauttaleterminaali
Tämä huvila tarjoaa asiakkaidensa käyttöön ulkouima-altaan, kuumavesialtaan ja kuntokeskuksen. Tämä huvila tarjoaa asiakkaiden käyttöön myös grillejä ja puutarhan.

Tämä huvila on savuton.


Daniel Wallace

Puhutut kielet


Majoituspaikan palvelut/mukavuudet


  • Rannalla
  • Rantapyyhkeet
  • Rantatuolit


  • Poreallas
  • Ulkouima-allas
  • Yksityinen uima-allas


  • Saatavilla huvilassa: Wi-Fi

Pysäköinti ja liikenneyhteydet

  • Paikan päällä pysäköinti sisältää autotallin


  • Astianpesukone
  • Jääkaappi
  • Jääkone
  • Kahvin-/vedenkeitin
  • Keittiösaareke
  • Keittovälineet, astiat ja ruokailuvälineet
  • Leivänpaahdin
  • Liesi
  • Mausteita
  • Mikroaaltouuni
  • Pakastin
  • Paperipyyhkeet
  • Tehosekoitin
  • Uuni
  • Vedenkeitin


  • Ruokapöytä


  • 5 makuuhuonetta
  • Lakanat saatavilla
  • Vuodesohva


  • 0,5 kylpyhuone
  • Hiustenkuivaaja
  • Pyyhkeet saatavilla
  • Saippua
  • Sampoo
  • Ulkosuihku
  • Vessapaperi


  • Erillinen ruokailualue
  • Olohuone
  • Ruokapöytä


  • Grilli
  • Parveke
  • Puutarha
  • Puutarhakalusteet


  • Pyykinpesukone/kuivausrumpu


  • Työhuone


  • Lemmikkejä ei sallita


  • Savuton majoituspaikka

Palvelut ja mukavuudet

  • Silitysrauta/-lauta
  • Turvalokero


  • Kylässä
  • Lähellä valtamerta
  • Veden äärellä


  • Kuntosali
  • Ekokiertoajeluja lähistöllä
  • Kajakkimelontamahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Kalastusmahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Laitesukellusmahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Lintubongausmahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Moottoriveneilymahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Purjehdusmahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Ratsastusmahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Snorklausmahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Uintimahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Vaellus-/pyöräilyreittejä lähistöllä
  • Vesiskootterimahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Villieläinkävelyretkiä lähistöllä


  • Ei ilmoitusta häkävaroittimesta (majoittaja ei ole ilmoittanut, onko majoituspaikassa häkävaroitinta – voit tuoda mukanasi kannettavan häkävaroittimen)
  • Savuvaroitin (majoittaja on ilmoittanut, että majoituspaikassa on savuvaroitin)
  • Ensiapulaukku
  • Suoratelkilukko


  • Majoitustilan koko: 557 neliömetriä
  • Puutarha



Sisäänkirjautuminen alkaa klo 16.00


Uloskirjautuminen ennen klo 11.00

Sisäänkirjautumisen erikoisohjeet::

Saat majoittajalta ohjeet sisään- ja uloskirjautumiseen sähköpostitse.


  • Lemmikkejä ei sallita

Lapset ja varavuoteet

  • Lapset ovat tervetulleita.
  • Majoittajan kommentti: No pool fence, large window openings and ledges.

Tärkeää tietoa

Hyvä tietää

Tätä majoituspaikkaa hallinnoi yksityinen majoittaja (eli taho, joka ei toimi kaupankäynti-, ammatinharjoittamis- tai liiketoimintatarkoituksissa). EU:n kuluttajansuojalaki, mukaan lukien peruutusoikeus, ei koske tätä varausta. Yksityisen majoittajan määrittämä peruutuskäytäntö koskee varaustasi.
Lisähenkilöistä saatetaan veloittaa maksu, joka vaihtelee majoituspaikoittain
Sisäänkirjautumisen yhteydessä saatetaan vaatia virallinen kuvallinen henkilöllisyystodistus sekä pankki- tai luottokortti tai käteisellä maksettava takuumaksu mahdollisten lisämaksujen varalta.
Erityispyyntöjen toteutuminen riippuu saatavuudesta sisäänkirjautumishetkellä, ja niistä saatetaan veloittaa lisämaksuja. Erityispyyntöjen toteutumista ei voida taata.
Juhlien tai ryhmätapahtumien järjestäminen on kielletty majoituspaikassa
Majoittaja ei ole ilmoittanut, onko majoituspaikassa häkävaroitinta. Harkitse kannettavan häkävaroittimen tuomista matkallesi.
Majoittaja on ilmoittanut, että majoituspaikassa on palovaroitin
Tämän majoituspaikan turvaominaisuuksiin kuuluu ensiapupakkaus ja suoratelkilukko
Tätä majoituspaikkaa hallinnoi kumppanimme Vrbo. Saat Vrbolta sähköpostitse linkin Vrbo-tilille, jonka kautta voit muuttaa varaustasi tai peruuttaa sen.
Saat majoittajalta sisään- ja uloskirjautumisohjeet sähköpostitse. Saat myös Vrbolta sähköpostitse linkin Vrbo-tilille, jonka kautta voit hallinnoida varaustasi.
Majoituspaikan rekisteröintinumero 215003

Stunning Eco-Luxury Villa on Caribbean Sea Featuring 94 Foot Pool, Sleeps 16 – arvostelut



Poikkeuksellisen hyvä

Arvosana 10 - Loistava. 25 kautta 27 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 8 - Hyvä. 2 kautta 27 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 6 - OK. 0 kautta 27 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 4 - Huono. 0 kautta 27 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 2 - Hirveä. 0 kautta 27 arvostelua" "




10/10 Loistava

miguel m.

Hyvää: Siisteys
The property was amazing. Property manager was very helpful and her communication was impeccable. We had our wedding in Encantada and our family and guests said that it was the most amazing wedding ever! Everything from beautiful views, great location, beautiful pool, great kitchen(ice machine was amazing) , and such a grand place to stay. My family and I will definitely be staying here again!!!
Yöpyi 5 yötä kesäkuussa 2024

10/10 Loistava

Thomas H.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Awesome time in paradise
Beautiful home , wide open and in touch with nature , the view of the ocean, star gazing from each room and the view from the rooftop terrace for sunsets was amazing. The pool is unbelievable , the site of the home is right next to the Mélançon to the right and close to the black sand beach to the left . An overall joyous Easter week-weekend for my family , there was 12 of us in all, we were comfortable, in awe and had a truly great time . 5 star owners who were available for any questions and attentive to our needs, as a villa owner myself I not only give the property 5 stars I give the hosts 10 stars out of 5!
Yöpyi 7 yötä maaliskuussa 2024

10/10 Loistava

Wendy M.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Stunning property in Beautiful Vieques!
We stayed at the property with a group of 13 friends. We had a fabulous time, and Karen was great in helping us prepare for our stay. She was very communicative and made everything very smooth. The temperature was great, and it was nice to be connected to nature. The property is absolutely stunning, I don't think pictures really do the house justice! The pool is HUGE and amazing, and having direct access to a beautiful beach and lots of room to relax and spread out in the house was amazing. Note that the property is completely open air, so it has no windows.
Yöpyi 3 yötä maaliskuussa 2024

10/10 Loistava

Julie B.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Yöpyi 3 yötä maaliskuussa 2024

8/10 Hyvä

Nick R.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Beautiful property and location. Be sure to understand what “Eco” means.
The property is incredible! Great location, stunning view. Karen the property manager is top notch and was easy to communicate with. I couldn’t quite give it 5 stars. For a couple of reasons: 1. It’s an “eco” property so all the windows and doors stay open all the time. This is so it stays cool enough with no A/C. It stayed plenty cool, but because of this there are a fair number of insects, including mosquitos, that enter the house. The mosquito nets were more like little tents you put on top of the bed, rather than a net that goes over the bed. The listing doesn’t mention any of this, so it’s good to be aware of it. 2. For the nightly price we paid we had hoped for hot water. It worked in one shower, but the others were lukewarm at best. Also would recommend better shower heads in the upstairs bathrooms. They were quite cheap and didn’t work well. Not a big deal, but again for the price paid we expected a little more. Other than these two minor issues, we had a blast.
Yöpyi 3 yötä helmikuussa 2024

10/10 Loistava

Dana W.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Fantastic beach house
This house is amazing! We flew into San Juan and then booked a shuttle to the Puerto Rico Ferry. You will want to get your online tickets at the beginning of the month. Once there, we picked up our 3 cars from Maritzas. Karen (property manager) greeted us and was wonderful helping us with everything. We had 13 people and a baby. The house was clean and comfortable. Loved the open air throughout the house. Drove to different beaches, did a fishing charter, bioluminescence bay, and enjoyed 2 different chefs that came to the house. Chef Sonia Romero and Chef Beverly Davenport. The grocery stores had enough to have meals at the house. The pool was great. Our boys were able to play some baseball in the large yard. This place is by far the best vacation home on a wonderful island.
Yöpyi 7 yötä maaliskuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Frances V., San Juan, Puerto Rico

Hyvää: Siisteys
This property is simply extraordinary. Its perfect for a family vacation.
Everything was seamless. The property is stunning. Excellent location. Amazing beach. We hires Chef Sonia and she didn't disappoint for a lobster bbq and Easter Brunch.
Yöpyi 5 yötä huhtikuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

William F.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Isla Bonita Birthday
I cannot say enough about how AMAZING this property is. This was a birthday celebration for myself and was perfect for me and my friends to relax, party and enjoy gorgeous Vieques. I will definitely be coming back to Encantada.
Yöpyi 4 yötä maaliskuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

Elliott C.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Encantada is truly a one of a kind property. Between the open layout, the immaculate views everywhere you turn, the proximity to the water, and the massive lawn, it is like you have your own boutique hotel in paradise. We hosted our wedding here and it was a total dream! Daniel, Tania, and their team made sure that our stay was as perfect as possible. Would love to stay here again one day!
Yöpyi 5 yötä maaliskuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

Vanessa P.

Hyvää: Siisteys
A truly unique and memorable vacation
I will say it was just perfect. The location is exceptional, with a beautiful view, and peaceful environment. The beach in front is very pretty and pleasant, and perfect to go on morning or afternoon walks. It is an open style house to enjoy nature, so it is important that you all go aware and prepared to deal with bugs, midnight sounds, and possible storms, but none of it counteracts all of the amazing experiences this house has to offer. And Vieques is just extraordinary.
Yöpyi 3 yötä lokakuussa 2021

10/10 Loistava

EdikanAbasi A.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Words can’t express how much I loved the island and the property truly paradise
Also Karen was so helpful and attentive to everything me and my party needed I am coming back for sure
Yöpyi 3 yötä syyskuussa 2021

10/10 Loistava

Aj P., Midland, USA

Hyvää: Siisteys
Encantada was where our dream wedding took place
Encantada was unbelievably beautiful. Waking up every morning with an open air stunning view was amazing. The concrete style house makes for a fun setting for large gatherings or a wedding. We got married in front of the house which was a gorgeous setting for a wedding ceremony. The beach in front although rocky is also a great setting for pictures. There is an impressive industrial kitchen which was great for cooking for the whole family. The outdoor showers in each room are also a fun touch. We did have an issue that the pool wasn’t fully filtering but that was fixed towards the end of our stay. Also, beware of the bugs. All of the rooms are open air and the house is well equip with candles and off but I got at least 30-40 bug bites (mosquitos and nociums) on my arms the first night. We plan on coming back with a group of people for our anniversary in the future. The town of Esperanza was very friendly and had great food. We also caught fresh grouper on a fishing trip, had a local in town fillet them for us and then grilled them at the house. This was our best meal of the trip! The owners at Encantada are extremely friendly and worked with us throughout several different rescheduling processes for our wedding. People like this deserve the utmost regards and praise.
Yöpyi 6 yötä huhtikuussa 2021

10/10 Loistava

Chad P., USA

Hyvää: Siisteys
Encantada Vieques is a dream
We love it so much this is the second year we are back. Encantada is the perfect space to gather responsibility as everything is open and everyone has room to spread out. For sunrise lovers, sunset lovers, nature lovers, beauty lovers, fun lovers, Encantada is your perfect stay with Karen being the perfect hostess making sure all is set up to your needs. Everything ran smoothly at the airport for our flights in and out. If you manage to get out of the enchantment of the house, we recommend three musts: The biobay experience, Red Beach, and Black beach.

10/10 Loistava

Ivonne R.

Hyvää: Siisteys
So needed time in paradise!
We had an amazing time! The property has an excellent location- walk to town, walk to beach. Architecture and design of the house makes you feel in paradise in every single corner with amazing views of the ocean, green scenery, horses cruising by. The pool is something else; we spent most of the days and nights in the pool! Would definitely come back!

10/10 Loistava

Dennis S.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Great time on Vieques
Super comfortable, great beaches right in front of the house, amazing pool. Short drive (or long walk) into town with plenty of wonderful restaurants. Vieques is back and looking good.

10/10 Loistava

Carlos C.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Beautifully designed while capturing surreal scenery! Not one guest was unimpressed!

10/10 Loistava

Donna M.

Hyvää: Siisteys
very special getaway
My review is similar to the others - first the house and views are better than the photos, truly a very special place. We spent sunsets on the rooftop, as well as star gazing at night (amazing clear sky), and long days in the luxurious pool. The location is also fantastic as it's isolated and private, but walking distance to the mercado. Vieques in general is very lovely and we enjoyed exploring the island and sampling everything from local cuisine (the food truck court is great) to fine dining at Cafe Del Mar. Highly recommend renting a car. And like the others said, mosquitos and bugs are part of the experience. The bugs were hilarious (not abundant but big and scary) and manageable, the mosquitos pretty bad but the house provides lots of fans and sprays to help. Karen is a gem and both Daniel and Tania were wonderful to communicate with. And like someone else said, while the house can sleep many people (sofa beds abound), it's really a 5 bedroom, with 4 ensuite. Also absolutely loved the outdoor showers. Overall a terrific find.
Yöpyi 5 yötä joulukuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Douglas C.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Wonderful place for a group or family vacation!
Karen was so helpful and made checking in easy. The property was just as I thought it would be, based on the photos. Spacious, clean, lots of room for everyone to spread out and not be crowded at all. The pool was perfect! Great for laps and just lounging around. There was a coffee maker, dishwasher, large fridge and freezer, two sets of washers & dryers, and a couple of hairdryers. Having beach chairs, a cooler and plentiful towels was a bonus. Located an easy few minute drive to town, and just a minute to the beach in front of the house. It will be hard to top this place!
Yöpyi 6 yötä joulukuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Gilberto Q., Miami, FL

Hyvää: Siisteys
Magical gateway
Las palabras no pueden describir el sentido de satisfacción que ofrece su estadía, desde el espacio hasta cada y uno de los escenas que ofrecen sus recorridos. Súper recomendada!

8/10 Hyvä

Vilma O.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Celebrating friendship @ Vieques, PR
The house is beautiful, comfortable, a DREAM. Location is privileged, close to all beautiful beaches and to Esperanza town. Karen, the manager, was excellent, helpful and always available for our needs. The only drawback (for us) is that the house is ”eco-friendly” :::: no A/C, not that bad because the breeze from the ocean kept the house ventilated and fresh. BUT! having no windows or screens, made us vulnerable to unexpected insect visitors: mosquitoes, spiders, baby cockroaches crawling in our beds, salamanders, lizards, beautiful butterflies... is like being in a concrete tent, completely exposed to nature and, this my friends, is part of the adventure. Believe me, is worth it and you won’t regret renting this house. You will take home beautiful and hilarious memories to share with your friends and families!
Yöpyi 3 yötä heinäkuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Kassandra K.

Amazing, Amazing, Amazing
This. Place. !!! From beginning to end our experience at Encantada was a dream. Yes, the pictures are stunning but they honestly cant begin to capture everything it really has to offer. The open air layout allowed for this stay to be unlike any other. Waking up, naturally, in the morning with a soft breeze and the sounds of the ocean followed by, coffee in bed watching horses gently run across the beach was a perfect start to every day in Vieques. Never having been to Vieques before we relied quite a bit on Tania and Daniel, to say that they were helpful on all fronts would be a huge under statement! They were more then willing to answer any and all questions, give wonderful recommendations and their welcoming, friendly attitude really helped to set the tone of our whole trip. The PDF they provided served as our guide for all things! Bars (Lazy Jack’s) Beaches (Playa La Chiva) Sailing Charters (Sun Bay Shuffle) just to name a few. I have to say one of my favorite activities was the sailing charter to Sun Bay. Captain McCoy (aka Matthew McConaughey’s island twin) and his first mate Pauly were AMAZING. Captain McCoys wife, Chrissy, was a joy to work with while booking this and prepared a phenomenal lunch for us while we were on board! The views while sailing and when anchored were magical, the rum punch was delicious, and of everything we did on Vieques this would be my #1 MUST DO. Back to the house! The kitchen and living room set ups were on point, perfectly conducive for any size party. We cooked breakfast at the house each morning while we listened to music (1 portable speaker provided) and had mimosas. We grilled in the evening and all ate around the beautiful, community style table. We could all be together and didn’t have to worry about large party dinner reservations, I think this was key! The couches were also clutch after a long day in the sun (and a long night at Lazy Jacks)! My favorite hangout in the house though was definitely the pool. I’m pretty sure we didn’t leave the infinity pool and lounge chairs for the entire first two days. Lastly, I cant talk about Encantada without mentioning the outdoor showers. They were exceptional. Encantada was magic. Vieques was a once in a lifetime vacation for a perfect mixture of relaxation and fun. I would recommend Encantada at the highest level!!!
Yöpyi 2 yötä huhtikuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

J Rhoads F.

Beautiful and eco friendly
Wonderful place to stay with views of the beach and sounds of the ocean and wildlife. Loved getting a shower under the stars and cooking in the elaborate kitchen. The pool was amazing and our kids didn't want to get out of the water.
Yöpyi 5 yötä huhtikuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Sara W.

The Perfect Viecation
To say this trip was worth it is the understatement of the year. I (easily) convinced a group of my girlfriends to go with me for a long weekend. The owners, Tania & Daniel, were SO helpful and responsive as we figured out logistics about where to reserve a rental car, how to get to the island (Plane > Ferry), and what to expect as far as grocery shopping. In fact, only hours after Tania told me she and Daniel had a local chef, Beverly Davenport, cater dinner for them consisting of paella & tropical fruit crumble (YUM), did I connect with Beverly myself to ask about her availability. Another decision I highly recommend, as Beverly was a dream and knew her way all around Encantada–making it a relaxing evening filled with fresh seafood and smiles at the big dining room table. Upon arriving on the island, Karen, the Property Manager, had a cab waiting for us. She met us at the house to answer any questions we had and make us feel right at home. She was the sweetest and answered my text inquiring about island yoga within seconds later that weekend. The pictures on this listing are obviously to die for, but let me tell you, the views are even better in person. We woke up each morning to the sunrise (you can pull down the blinds if you want but I recommend the warm island breeze), spent our days going from pool to ocean (again, the PDF provided was SO helpful here for figuring out which beaches to explore), and ended our nights cuddled up on the couches (with a bottle of wine) watching the sun set before heading up to bed. Concrete floors and walls made cleaning up a breeze. Fans were strategically placed in each room to keep the bugs away. And, the fridge is giant, meaning plenty of room for Medallas (a light local beer). When we wanted to go out for lunch or dinner we ended up referencing the Encantada instagram as it had pictures of food/drinks and helped us decide on where to go. I highly recommend Robin's for a $10, 32 oz. mojito and Tin Box for fresh sushi or BBQ (yes bbq AND sushi). Another thing we did from the PDF was the Bio Bay tour through Abe's. If you haven't seen this phenomenon, it is definitely worth it–although make sure you go during a new moon! I have absolutely nothing bad to say about Encantada (or Vieques)! Never have I ever felt at home so quickly. Counting down the days until we can go back...
Yöpyi 3 yötä huhtikuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Jessica K.

Most beautiful house and location!
Where do I begin...I stayed at Encantada for a few days for my Bachelorette party and needless to say, it was the best vacation of my life. To say that the pictures don't do it justice is a huge understatement. As we walked in, we were all speechless at the views we were going to wake up to, the modern design, and the cleanliness of the house. We had 15 people staying at Encantada, and with the vastness of the house, you wouldn't have even known there were that many girls in one house! The safety of the house was also a huge pro for us, with 15 girls celebrating a bachelorette on an island we've never been to, the multiple doors and locks made us all feel immediately safe. Not only did we feel safe while in the house, but we also felt super comfortable walking around Esperanza (the nearby town). We could all walk down the street for drinks, lunch, dinner etc. easily. Prior to arriving in Vieques, Daniel was extremely helpful and prompt in responding to our questions. Not only would he answer my emails in a timely manner, but the information that he prepared and provided to us was invaluable. He had a very organized PDF of general information about the island, where to eat, where to drink, a list and description of each beach, certain excursions that were must-dos, taxi numbers, travel information, car rental locations etc. We referenced this PDF at least once a day, and none of their recommendations disappointed! Once we arrived at Encantada, their property manager Karen met us at the house upon arrival (after setting up a taxi to pick us up from the airport!). Karen was extremely helpful, personable and a great resource for us while on the island. She responded to our texts quickly and with pleasure. She was very organized and prepared with all of the information we were going to need for the week set out for us as we arrived. One day, we went on a horseback riding tour around the island through Esperanza Riding Company (another recommendation we found on the PDF). Let me tell you, from the trails through the woods, to the streets, to the beaches (even the black sand beach) this was more than I could have expected. Elizabeth was knowledgeable and super helpful for our inexperienced riders! Although I tried to put my experience into words, it is very hard to do so. This was the most amazing place I have ever stayed, the nicest people and the most beautiful island I've visited. I would highly recommend staying at Encantada over and over again!
Yöpyi 2 yötä huhtikuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Andrew R., Kansas City

Perfect Relaxation for a Large Group
The house was fabulous and Karen was supremely helpful. We had a group of 12 and the house fit us perfectly with each couple having their own space. The open downstairs allows people from the pool, kitchen, and couches to all be part of the action. The sunsets are magical whether from the house or the beach in front of the property. The pool is honestly where we spent most of our time and it was great for lounging in the sun or floating in a tube and reading. The house’s location allows people to walk to Esperanza without needing a car. It really is an ideal house for a group of people that wants to be around each other but still allows for privacy for people/couples. The house was ready when we arrived, clean, and came well equipped to cook throughout our stay. If you have a large group this house is ideal and we highly recommend this property and Karen, the property manager, to anyone looking for a perfect place in Vieques.
Yöpyi 8 yötä maaliskuussa 2019