Stayed in this property 11/20 through 11/27 for a family Thanksgiving vacation. Upon arrival we immediately noticed how dirty the outside was. The exterior of the house was covered in dirt and spiderwebs and the front porch had bird droppings in many areas. Upon entering we realized the inside was no different. It appeared the house had not been cleaned in quite a while. Dirt, leaves, food and crumbs were on all of the floors, spiderwebs in every corner and on every light fixture, trash left in the cans, gum on the floor, toothpaste splattered on bathroom mirrors, food smeared on the refrigerator and splattered on a wall in the kitchen. There were stains and spills on every hardwood floor, and the other rooms had very old and very stained shag carpet. The kitchen cabinets contained rat droppings, and we did not feel comfortable using the pots, pans and utensils. The fireplace still had ashes in it and burned marshmallows were in front, melted to the stone. The first night we discovered that most of the beds had no sheets, and none were available in the house. The one bedroom that had sheets had ones stained in what appeared to be fresh blood and mucous and had obviously not been washed. We had to purchase sheets for every bed. There were blown light bulbs in almost every room, and a couple of the toilet rooms had blown bulbs and could only be used in the dark. No replacement bulbs were available. Dirty dishes were left in the dishwasher and laundry was left in the washer & dryer. Spiderwebs and spiders could be seen in every corner, crevice, ceiling...all over. We killed many large spiders throughout the week and found them in our suitcases. Rats were active at night and could be heard running through the walls and ceilings. The porches were barely usable due to the dirt and bird droppings, and a few of the chairs were broken and left on the porches. The ping pong table was broken and laying in two pieces and was unusable, and the pool table was old and had torn bumpers and was barely usable. The grill was broken and contained burned charcoal. We were finally able to talk to the owner but he offered no solution and said "well I guess you won't be grilling" when we mentioned the grill and said we sound like a "broken record". He said he would have the cleaning crew call but that never happened. We never heard back from him at all and he ignored all texts. Great view, but that's all. Book something cleaner and enjoy your trip