Yksityinen majoittaja

Missä villit asiat ovat! Ecclectic Seaview Villa, uima-allas ja sademetsien suojelualue

Valitse päivät nähdäksesi hinnat

tämänhetkiset kuukautesi ovat December 2024 ja January 2025.
joulukuu 2024
tammikuu 2025

Majoituspaikan Missä villit asiat ovat! Ecclectic Seaview Villa, uima-allas ja sademetsien suojelualue valokuvagalleria

2 makuuhuonetta, tallelokero huoneessa, ilmainen Wi-Fi, vuodevaatteet


9,4 kautta 10.

Poikkeuksellisen hyvä

Suositut palvelut/mukavuudet

  • Pysäköinti saatavilla
    Pysäköinti saatavilla
  • Uima-allas
  • Lemmikkiystävällinen
  • Keittiö
  • Ilmainen Wi-Fi
    Ilmainen Wi-Fi

Tutustu alueeseen

Playa Chiquita, Limon
  • Playa Chiquita
    8 min kävelymatka
  • Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo (luonnonsuojelualue)
    9 min kävelymatka
  • Jaguar Centro de Rescate
    14 min kävelymatka
  • Changuinola (CHX-Captain Manuel Nino Intl.)
    75 min ajomatka


Samankaltaisia majoituspaikkoja

Tietoja majoituspaikasta

Missä villit asiat ovat! Ecclectic Seaview Villa, uima-allas ja sademetsien suojelualue

Cielomar tarjoaa enemmän kuin loma-asunnon. Tarkoituksenamme on kouluttaa ja ilahduttaa sinua ainutlaatuisella ja harvinaisella sademetsäkokemuksella värikkäässä kodikkaassa kodissani ympäröivässä villieläinten mekassa.
Cielomar on häikäisevä kolmikerroksinen huvila, joka sijaitsee korkeimmalla harjanteella rannan yläpuolella.
Jokaisessa tarinassa on laajat merinäköalaparvekkeet ja yläkerrassa on lintuperspektiivi metsästä ja valtamerestä.
Talo on täynnä luonnetta ja taidetta, siellä on paljon kokoontumispaikkoja ja yksityisiä tiloja vain BE: ksi. Olemme viihtyisiä ja hauskoja, emme erityisen hienoja, mutta hyvin varusteltuja ja mukavia.
Täysin varusteltu keittiö ja lämmin vesi kaikkialla, ja seinämät korostavat upea parkettilattia ja kierreportaat, jotka on tehty pelastetusta viidakon puusta, laattamosaiikit ja värikkäät seinämaalaukset.
Astu ulos yhdelle merinäköalaparvekkeista ja ihmettele alla olevan meren tunnelmia ja värejä, aina muuttuvia, aina maagisia. Katso litteä turkoosi valtameri tai kaukaiset jyrisevät pilvet maalaa sinulle joka aamu uuden tarinan.
Pilvet syntyvät talon takana sijaitsevissa viidakon kanjoneissa, ja meillä on viileä tuulen kanjoneista alla olevaan valtamereen.
Allas on baarikeittiö, BBQ, katettu ruokailutila, ja sitä ympäröi jatkuvasti muuttuva trooppisten kukkien näyttö. Villieläimet rakastavat olemista harjanteen päällä, ja jotkut parhaista havainnoista ovat olleet uima-altaalta.
Yläkerrat… Jungle-huone Ulkoilmahuone ja kuningatar makuuhuone
Leveät näkymät valtaville puille, tunnelmalliset valtameren aallot ja lentävät linnut ilahduttavat sinua. Se on korkea kohta korkealla harjanteella.
Olet täällä korkealla katossa.
Siellä on viihtyisiä lukuluokkia ja tarkkailualue, jopa sisäänrakennettu shakki- ja tammilauta. Se on mahtavaa!

Pääkerroksen sisustuksessa on avoin suunnitelma, jossa iso keittiö, ruokasali ja olohuone. Hauska koskettaa
Sisältää käsinmaalatut seinämaalaus- ja lehtipuulevytasot ja pöydän. Komea parkettilattia

ja kattopalkit armoittavat olohuoneen, ja keskellä on eräänlainen kierreportaat. Elävät
Huone on sisustettu mukavilla huonekaluilla ja siinä on viihdealue kirjoja, pelejä ja
Pääkerroksen makuuhuone on tilavasti tilava queen-sviitti, jossa on ylimääräinen parivuode.
Pääkerroksen vieraita palvelee ylisuuri pääkylpy, jossa on laatta-mosaiikkitaidetta ja toissijaista
pääsy viereiseen makuuhuoneeseen.
Suuri katettu kuisti ulottuu talon pituuteen upealla merinäköalalla.
Katetulta kuistilta-alueelta portaat johtavat alakerran master-sviittiin. Tilava puu säteili
Huone, jossa parketit ja valtava parisänky merinäköalalla. Astu ulos yksityiseen intiimiin
parveke näkymä kukkapuutarhaan ja merelle. Suihku hauskassa kylpyammeessa, jossa eklektinen kivihaute
ja merinäköala seinä. Tällä tasolla on myös pesutupa ja kuiva huone. Se on myös yksityinen
 Olemme sijaitsee pienen kylän yläpuolella P lay Chiquita / Punta Uva. Playa Chiquita ia kukkulamme alaosassa, noin ½ mailin päässä talosta. Maailmankuulu Punta Uvan ranta on suunnilleen puolitoista mailia meistä, joko tiellä tai ihanalla rantareitillä, joka kulkee rantoja pitkin Puerto Viejosta Manzanilloon. Cielomar on noin 3 mailin päässä Puertosta ja neljä Manzanillosta.
Cielomar on harjanteen päällä. Rannan päätie on noin viiden minuutin kävelymatkan päässä mäkeä.
Rantatietä reunustavat ruokapaikat ja pienet ruokakaupat ja kaupat.

Merituulet ja kanjoneiden viileä sumu pitävät pienen vuoremme viileänä jopa kuumimpana päivänä.
alue tunnetaan leutoista yösateista ja lauhkeasta säästä ympäri vuoden, se on paljon kuin paratiisi.
Nauti uhanalaisista vihreistä makuista, jotka pysähtyvät leikkimään puissa ja jakamaan merituulen vieraillemme.
Pulahda uima-altaaseen, kun apinat leikkivät yläpuolella.
Jaa aamutuulet tukaani- ja papukaijolaumojen kanssa
Riippumatto ja ole laiska laiskolla
Pidä aamukahvia agoutisten kanssa etsiessäsi vihreitä iguaaneja paistamassa bromeliadien joukossa
jättiläinen sademetsäpuiden raajat.
Vuotuisten suurten lintujen muuttoliikkeiden aikana keväällä ja syksyllä ei ole parempaa paikkaa tarkkailla
rynnäkijät tuhansien ohi. Se on mahtava näky todistaa tuntikausia haukkoja, korppikotkoja ja
pienemmät räppääjät kokoontuivat kiertämään termissä ... se on lintujuhla !!!Parasta, koska olemme huipulla
harjanteelta toiminta tapahtuu ympärillämme ..
Herättäkää seikkailunhaluinen henkesi ja vaeltakaa metsässämme .. Katso satoja jaloja ylös jättiläisille kävelypalmuille ja harvinaisille vanhoille lehtipuille, jotka ovat isompia kuin autot, tippuu bromeliadeilla ja viiniköynnöksillä. Pysähdy, ole hiljainen ja kuuntele puutarhojen, lintujen ja sirkat viidakon sinfonioita.

Alkeelliset reitit kulkevat metsämme kanjonien ja harjujen läpi, ylittävät viileitä puroja ja johtavat perinteiseen alkuperämaalaiseen Ranchoon korkealle tuulen harjanteelle .. Pysäytä ja kuvittele asumista asunnossa, jota kodinhoitajat käyttävät täällä viidakossa

Cielomar on katoskokemus ”…
..mutta haluat mennä Rannalle? SELVÄ ON SITTEN..
Alle kymmenen minuutin kävelymatkan päässä vuoren rannalta on Playa Chiquitan ranta,
Yksi upeista rannoista Puerto Viejon ja Manzanillon välisellä niemimaalla.
Rannat sijaitsevat riutan varrella, kun siellä on upea snorklausta ja lastenallas.
Kun aallot ovat ylös, surffaaminen on maailmanluokkaa.
Meillä on snorklausta, uintia, sukellusta, delfiinejä, kalastusveneitä, lainelautailua, hiekkaa ja aurinkoa.
Rannat kutsuvat sinut pelaamaan. Upeat ulkoilmapaikat tarjoavat juomia ja Karibian meren antimia.
Ainoa mitä sinun täytyy tehdä, on valita upeiden rantojen joukosta!
Olemme alle kilometrin päässä kultapikku Playa Chiquita, eristäytynyt ja hiljainen.
kahden kilometrin päässä on maailmankuulu Punta Uvan ranta, jota toistuvasti kutsutaan yhdeksi maailmoista
kauneimmat rannat, upea rauhallinen vauva-allasalue, jossa on hengenpelastajia.
Cocles Beach, kaksi kilometriä toiseen suuntaan on hieno surffausranta. Kansainväliset kilpailijat
kilpailla vedessä siellä ja Salsa Bravassa, kuuluisa aalto pisteessä Puerto Viejo..3. km Cielomarista.
Nämä upea rannat ovat edelleen ruuhkattomia ja hiljaisia arkisin .. Viikonloput nousevat, mutta niitä on
vuokra-kajakkeja, leijaa, snorkkeleita ja merileluja sekä hengenpelastajia rannoilla joka viikonloppu,
yhdessä hauskan juhlatilaisuuden kanssa. Punta Uvassa on tarjolla delfiinejä, sukellusretkiä ja kalastusveneitä.

Haluatko kulttuurin?Mene kaupunkiin!
Puerto Viejo on matkailukeskus Costa Ricasin itärannikolla. Se on elinvoimainen kukoistava kaupunki, ja hauskaa
käydä läpi ja kuunnella musiikkia, pitää hienoa illallista tai tanssia. On olemassa valikoima ravintoloita
useita ruokakauppoja, kaksi pankkia ja lääkäriasema kaupungissa, kauppoja ja matkailuyrityksiä.
Elävää musiikkia on runsaasti. On raggae, salsa, World, Caribe beat ja rock and roll joka ilta ympärillä
kaupunki. Ruoka on uskomatonta, ja kokit ympäri maailmaa kilpailevat ollakseen parhaita
parhaat. Afro-karibiruoka on ihana, ja harvat kalat maan päällä ovat yhtä maukkaita kuin paikallinen punainen krapula en estillo Caribe.
Costa Rican suosikki Gallo Pinto on lisätty kookosmaitoon ja tuoreisiin paikallisiin hummeriin
ovat herkkua. Kokeile täällä Rondonia.(pilaantunut ..) herkullinen suosikki, jonka nimessä on vitsi.)
Italialainen ruoka on erinomaista. On olemassa monia kasvissyöjiä ja vegaaneja ravintoloita sekä fuusio
ruokia kaikkialta maailmasta. ja tuore ja terveellinen ruoka on normi.
Jokainen maan itäosassa tarjottava kiertue voidaan varata Puerto Viejosta sisään ja ulos.
Koskenlasku on turistien suosikki, unohtumattomia maisemia ja hienoa jännitystä päiväretken aikana. Cahuita
Kansallispuisto ja Gandoca Refuge ovat pakollisia satoja, vesiputouksia, suklaata, alkuperäiskylien kyliä, ziplines,
ja villieläinten suojelualueet ympäröivät meitä ... joudut pysymään vuoden ajan tekemään kaiken .. Jaguar Rescue
Keskusta on alle kahden mailin päässä sijaitseva paikallinen pyhäkkö, joka on erittäin informatiivinen paikallisesta
Kulttuuri on upea ja rento. Afro-caribe-ihmiset ovat ystävällisiä ja vieraanvaraisia, ja alueella on
muuttunut pieneksi Nirvanaksi, jossa on vieraanvarainen yhden maailman tunnelma. Monien kansakuntien ihmiset elävät onnellisina.
Polkupyöriä voi vuokrata ranntatieltä, ja alueen ajot ovat yleviä.
Jos vuokraat auton CieloMar-matkaan, neliveto on paras. Se tekee lomastasi vaivatonta. Se
on lisäkustannusten arvoinen pääsystä muihin paikkoihin, kuten puistoihin ja syrjäisiin rantoihin, joista monet ovat
on luonnostettu teitä ..
CieloMarissa on ainutlaatuinen kokemus .. Se ei ole hotelli tai vain loma-asunto ... se on sademetsä
upotusseikkailu perheellesi ja ystävillesi. Minulla on kunnia, että jaat melkein Eedenini. Takaan, että näet täällä hämmästyttäviä ja epätavallisia olentoja ..

Cielomar on omavarainen. Vieraamme auttavat meitä maksamaan viereisen ensisijaisen ja toissijaisen säilyttämiseksi
metsämaat. Ilman apuasi minulla ei ole varaa tehdä tätä.
Elinympäristö katoaa nopeasti, olemme pyrkineet voimamme sisällä säilyttämään kodin
kauniille ja kiehtoville viidakon naapureillemme.
Kiitän kutakin teistä panoksestanne luonnon ja planeettamme tulevaisuuteen.

Pura Vida!
Tämä lomamaja sijaitsee vain lyhyen kävelymatkan päässä kohteesta Playa Chiquita.
  • Ilmainen Wi-Fi
  • Majoituspaikan alueella on tarjolla leikkikenttä
  • Sijaitsee 10 minuutin kävelymatkan päässä kohteista Playa Chiquita ja Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo (luonnonsuojelualue)
Tämä lomamaja tarjoaa asiakkaiden käyttöön puutarhan. Vastaanotto on avoinna ympäri vuorokauden.

Tämä lomamaja sallii tupakoinnin merkityillä alueilla.


India Mayorga

Puhutut kielet

Englanti ja espanja

Majoituspaikan palvelut/mukavuudet


  • Saatavilla kaikissa huoneissa: ilmainen Wi-Fi
  • Saatavilla joissain yleisissä tiloissa: internetyhteys


  • Siivouspalvelu (rajoitettu saatavuus)


  • Puutarha
  • Puutarhakalusteet


  • Hierontaa


  • Mukulakivilattia yleisissä tiloissa


  • Merkityt tupakointialueet

Huoneen palvelut/mukavuudet


  • Lakanat saatavilla


  • 2 kylpyhuonetta
  • Kylpyamme
  • Kylpyamme tai suihku
  • Pyyhkeet saatavilla
  • Saippua
  • Sampoo
  • Suihku
  • Vessapaperi


  • DVD-soitin
  • Älytelevisio ja kaapeli-/satelliittikanavat

Ruoka ja juoma

  • Jääkaappi
  • Kahvin-/teenkeitin
  • Keittiö
  • Keittovälineet, astiat ja ruokailuvälineet
  • Kokkipalvelu
  • Leivänpaahdin
  • Liesi
  • Mausteita
  • Mikroaaltouuni
  • Ruokapöytä
  • Tehosekoitin
  • Uuni
  • Vedenkeitin


  • Kuivausrumpu
  • Olohuone
  • Puhelin
  • Turvalokero



Sisäänkirjautuminen alkaa klo 15.00
Kontaktiton sisäänkirjautuminen saatavilla
Sisäänkirjautujien alaikäraja – 18


Uloskirjautuminen ennen klo 10.00
Kontaktiton uloskirjautuminen saatavilla

Sisäänkirjautumisen erikoisohjeet::

Saat majoittajalta ohjeet sisään- ja uloskirjautumiseen sähköpostitse.


  • Lemmikit ovat tervetulleita
  • Korkeintaan 2 (painoraja: 23 kg per lemmikki)
  • Rajoituksia sovelletaan
  • Saat lisätietoja majoituspaikalta soittamalla varausvahvistuksessa olevaan numeroon

Lapset ja varavuoteet

  • Lapset ovat tervetulleita.
  • Majoittajan kommentti: not ideal for toddlers and babies,pool not fenced

Tärkeää tietoa

Hyvä tietää

Tätä majoituspaikkaa hallinnoi yksityinen majoittaja (eli taho, joka ei toimi kaupankäynti-, ammatinharjoittamis- tai liiketoimintatarkoituksissa). EU:n kuluttajansuojalaki, mukaan lukien peruutusoikeus, ei koske tätä varausta. Yksityisen majoittajan määrittämä peruutuskäytäntö koskee varaustasi.
Lisähenkilöistä saatetaan veloittaa maksu, joka vaihtelee majoituspaikoittain
Sisäänkirjautumisen yhteydessä saatetaan vaatia virallinen kuvallinen henkilöllisyystodistus sekä pankki- tai luottokortti tai käteisellä maksettava takuumaksu mahdollisten lisämaksujen varalta.
Erityispyyntöjen toteutuminen riippuu saatavuudesta sisäänkirjautumishetkellä, ja niistä saatetaan veloittaa lisämaksuja. Erityispyyntöjen toteutumista ei voida taata.
Juhlien ja tapahtumien (kuten perhejuhlat, syntymäpäiväjuhlat ja häät) järjestäminen on sallittua majoituspaikassa; enimmäisosallistujamäärä: 20
Majoittajan kommentti: upon approval. additional deposits and fees apply
Pitkäaikaisvuokraajat tervetulleita
Tämän majoituspaikan turvaominaisuuksiin kuuluu palosammutin, ensiapupakkaus ja suoratelkilukko
Tätä majoituspaikkaa hallinnoi kumppanimme Vrbo. Saat Vrbolta sähköpostitse linkin Vrbo-tilille, jonka kautta voit muuttaa varaustasi tai peruuttaa sen.
Saat majoittajalta sisään- ja uloskirjautumisohjeet sähköpostitse. Saat myös Vrbolta sähköpostitse linkin Vrbo-tilille, jonka kautta voit hallinnoida varaustasi.


  • Ota majoituspaikkaan suoraan yhteyttä käyttäen varausvahvistuksessa olevia tietoja lemmikkijärjestelyjen tekemiseksi

Majoituspaikka tunnetaan myös nimellä

Go Wild Jungle Oceanview Home Pool Lodge Playa Chiquita
Go Wild Jungle Oceanview Home Pool Lodge
Go Wild Jungle Oceanview Home Pool Playa Chiquita
Go Wild Jungle Oceanview Home Pool
Go Wild Jungle Oceanview Home Pool Lodge Playa Chiquita
Go Wild Jungle Oceanview Home Pool Playa Chiquita
Go Wild in the Jungle! Oceanview Home Pool!
Go Wild in the Jungle! Oceanview Home & Pool! Playa Chiquita
Go Wild in the Jungle! Oceanview Home & Pool! Lodge
Lodge Go Wild in the Jungle! Oceanview Home & Pool!
Go Wild Jungle Oceanview Home Pool
Go Wild in the Jungle! Oceanview Home Pool!
Go Wild Jungle Oceanview Pool

Seaview at Playa Chiquita Wildlife Lodge above Canopy – arvostelut



Poikkeuksellisen hyvä

Arvosana 10 - Loistava. 59 kautta 71 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 8 - Hyvä. 6 kautta 71 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 6 - OK. 2 kautta 71 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 4 - Huono. 2 kautta 71 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 2 - Hirveä. 2 kautta 71 arvostelua" "




10/10 Loistava

Gillian G.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Rainforest hideaway
We had a good time here. The internet is definitely spotty but it seemed like the internet company was working on it down at the road so maybe it'll be better for the next guests. Lots of bugs and critters but you're in the jungle so it's to be expected. The upper room was great to spot monkeys and birds. The listing was a bit confusing in regard to the bedrooms... there's definitely only two, not three as written in part of the listing. 4x4 vehicle came in handy to get up the hill, but 2WD also made it up with a couple attempts so it's not impossible. We bought more forks for the house as there weren't enough for the 6 of us for one meal. Playa Chiquita at the bottom of the hill was beautiful and easy to access.
Yöpyi 8 yötä lokakuussa 2024

10/10 Loistava

Silvia R.

Huonoa: Siisteys
Tranquil Jungle Haven: A Family Escape into Nature's Embrace
We (two adults and a 4-year-old son) spent seven nights at this accommodation and had a wonderful time. Its natural surroundings and proximity to wildlife made it a true highlight for us. The Jungle Room was undoubtedly the centerpiece of our stay. Here, we not only enjoyed our meals but also had the opportunity to observe the fascinating birdlife and admire the breathtaking views during breakfast and dinner. The pool provided a refreshing escape, especially for our four-year-old son, who made full use of it. Despite sharing the garden and pool area with long-term tenants residing in small houses on the property, we had minimal interactions and were always warmly welcomed. The well-equipped kitchen met our needs, although one should expect the occasional ant finding its way into the house. We missed having a barbecue option. The laundry room was particularly convenient. When the electricity line for the water heater was broke, the prompt response from Property Manager India was impressive. Within a few hours, we had hot water again and felt well taken care of. Additionally, Gardener Solon was extremely accommodating and, despite the language barrier, took us on an exciting tour of the rainforest on the property. Overall, our stay here was fantastic, and we recommend this accommodation.
Yöpyi 7 yötä maaliskuussa 2024

10/10 Loistava

Julie V.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Great location
Feels like you are in a tree house in the top of the hill. Close to so many restaurants, parks, beaches, and sites of interest. Definitely needed the four wheel drive to make it up the hill but totally doable. We were rarely home because we were so busy seeing all the sites! Great location.
Yöpyi 3 yötä lokakuussa 2023

8/10 Hyvä

nicole c.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Immersion en nature
Il faut monter une bonne pente pour accéder à la maison mais ceci permet de vivre dans la canopee avec les oiseaux dont les toucans et les aras et même les singes hurleurs. Il y a plusieurs zones ouvertes dans la maison ce qui permet de sentir la proximité avec tous ces êtres vivants qui habitent la jungle et ce jour et nuit. On entend le roulement des vagues en bruit de fond. Nous n' avons louer aucun moyen de transport. A moins de 1 km se trouve la route principale . Un autobus fait la navette chaque heure de Limon à Manzanillo ( en passant par puerto viego et Cahuita ) à très peu de frais. Nous avons cuisiné plusieurs repas à la maison. Il y a une petite épicerie à moins de 1 km . On y retrouve des légumes et des fruit frais, le poisson est congelé mais frais. On cueille les limes sur la propriété ! Il y a plusieurs bons restaurants tout autour dans un rayon de 1 à 3 km. Ça se fait bien à pied, sinon beaucoup de taxis passent régulièrement. Attention : immersion en nature est aussi synonyme de présence de toutes sortes d' insectes , il faut les apprécier !
Yöpyi 14 yötä helmikuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Jennifer B.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Absolutely Beautiful!
Our vacation at Cielomar was perfect! The grounds were beautifully kept - amazing tropical plants and trees. When we drove up, we were in awe. The house was at the top of a hill where every angle has a view! It has 3 stories, each with it's own balcony. The wildlife is endless! From our balconies and pool, we saw spider monkeys, sloths, toucans, macaws, agouti, frogs, and a hawk that hung around a lot. The house is very cabin like - don't expect to have matching towels and linens. If you want that, go stay at a crowded resort! The house has no A/C, but the fans were perfect! I even got cold at night. All appliances (stove, microwave, washer, dryer) are brand new - I'm pretty sure we were the first to use the oven! From the house, you can easily walk down the drive and to the beach. But if you prefer, there is road parking near the beach path. (We saw a family of monkeys go right over our heads while walking to the beach one afternoon!) The pool was perfect to jump into after the beach. The water was cool and crystal clear! We used the cabana and barbecue pit to grill a few nights. The location is close to wonderful, open air restaurants (We highly recommend Pura Gula! It was delicious!), groceries, and shops. Cielomar really is the perfect place! Tomas, the caretaker, is the BEST! He welcomed us even though it was late at night (Be prepared for a 4.5hr drive from the San Jose airport. It's worth the drive...TRUST ME!). He is super knowledgeable about the area. He talked to us about the wildlife, beaches, restaurants, and even took my son fishing one afternoon! Our stay was made even more enjoyable by having him around! We will be back!
Yöpyi 6 yötä joulukuussa 2021

2/10 Hirveä

Patricia A.

Huonoa: Siisteys
The pictures of this place are great. However, WARNNG, home is in high warning disrepair. This home via Ex-Husband was amazed that is was rented out as it hadn't been in a long time nor anyone taking care of it! The home was filthy, floors covered in dust and dead bugs, beds unmade and mattresses really damp. Trash was in various places on the floors, as if critters were living in there. The ceilings leaked lots of water and has lots of white mold, black mold and grey mold. Took so many pictures and videos. I couldn't upload the pictures or videos as the attachments are too large!!! This poor place has been let go and not taken care of in any time at least 3 years. Dangerous area in and around the property. So much rain came through that the ceilings poured, not dripping, rain water. Washing machine is too rusted that it must be replaced and clean up the black mold. All I can say, is with proof of 2 Businesses, so, warning!!!! We had the lodge below look at it and they couldn't believe it! So, I am not the only one that can attest to the facts !
Yöpyi 28 yötä heinäkuussa 2021

4/10 Huono

daniel s.

Not as advertised
This is a lovely house in the mountains. The view is amazing and a great location. The owner allowed us to arrive a day early without charge - which was super nice. Unfortunately the house is not well maintained and the listing is not accurate. There was no internet as advertised. We are both professionals and needed internet access. We would not have rented without internet. Also, the pool pump wasn't working - the pool was also a factor in us renting. The washer and dryer didn't work and looks like it hadn't in a long time. A lot of the screens were missing or ripped so we had a fair amount of bug issues. we contacted the owner about this and requested a partial refund but as of yet did not hear back.
Yöpyi 4 yötä huhtikuussa 2021

10/10 Loistava

Lee N., Leavenworth

Hyvää: Siisteys
Best wildlife viewing house!
We had a very relaxing stay there, and saw many creatures. Monkeys (lots), Mountain Cats which are of the Weasel or Martin family, Agouti's, Squirrel's, Lizards, as well as many birds (Toucans, Orependola, Blue green Macaws, as well as many smaller birds.) Overall we highly recommend this property, particularly for its exceptional wildlife viewing. exceptional wildlife
Yöpyi 8 yötä maaliskuussa 2020

10/10 Loistava

jim h.

Hyvää: Siisteys
A Nature Lovers Private Paradise
Absolutely beautiful location at top of steep hill. Huge trees, lots of birds and bird sounds. Lovely pool, big house. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
Yöpyi 6 yötä maaliskuussa 2020

10/10 Loistava

kevanne g.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Amazing stay
Property was as advertised. The location worked really well for us as it was near to beaches, bars and restaurants, but very secluded on a beautiful piece of property. We saw so much wildlife including monkeys frogs toucans parrots and multitudes of colorful butterflies and hummingbirds. We loved the open air room and several members of our group loved sleeping in the open air. Joaquin , the property manager was amazing, spending the better part of the day repairing a pool light after we mentioned our daughters loved swimming at night. We also really appreciated the groundskeeper pointing out various trails and sights on the property. Luckily we visited the nearby Jaguar Rescue Center ( which we highly recommend), as we ended up calling them later in the week to come relocate a juvenile serpent that was contentedly sunning itself adjacent to the house. All I all a great adventure and the perfect home base.
Yöpyi 8 yötä joulukuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Jarede S., Costa Rica

Hyvää: Siisteys
Green McCaws, monkeys, lizards....an abundance of wildlife. The house was wonderful. Clean, private, at the top of the hill - view and breeze were spectacular. Kerry was beyond accommodating to our crazy schedule changes. Thank you. Truly appreciate your understanding. ❤️
Yöpyi 10 yötä lokakuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Erin O.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Welcome to the Jungle!!
We loved our time here. When you wake up in the morning and walk to the top with your coffee, you realize you’re definitely not at home.. We swam in the pool daily from about 9-1 then headed to the beach after lunch till about 5.. This was our relaxing vacation and we did just that. What we saw.. Tons of Toucans, Parrots, 2 snakes, poison dart frogs, tiny red frog, lots of lizards, incredible array of spiders, insects, sloth and a pack of howler monkeys, a deer rat thing, and an exotic raccoon.. The beach is just at the bottom of the road. The pizza place to the right by Gypsea cafe (right across from beach) is yummy! It was a relaxing adventure and I’ll definitely come back one day..
Yöpyi 7 yötä syyskuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Kevin B.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Right as rain
We had the most wonderful time at Cielomar. We came as two families and found the space to be perfect for what we needed. The description provided by the owners is correct. It is a rustic, rain forest property that sits on a hill up a forest road. You definately need a four wheeled drive vehicle. The home is in good repair, but you must be okay with having bugs around, as that is the nature of the rainforest. Not a day went by without finding a new type of bug somewhere on the property. The beds are comfortable, as need be, and there is laundry on the premesis. The pool was used every single day, by all of us, and was much appreciated when the weather was warm. The caretaker came quite promptly when he was asked to, but we were not too concerned with the small issues and thus did not call him very often. The location is perfect! We went to six different beaches and all were within about 15 minutes of the house. We were able to get private surf lessons in Puerto Viejo for an exceptionally reasonable price. There were iguanas, monkeys, toucans and green macaws in the trees surrounding the house everyday. There is a rescue center and a chocolate plantation, less than a 5 minute drive in either direction of the property. Numerous restaurants and shops line the streets on the way to Puerto Viejo, but don't expect a McDonald's nor anything similar. The food was great! We were able to accomplish everything that we planned to do and more on our trip. We would not only recommend this home, but we would happily return if it wasn't such a long flight from Switzerland. Thank you again Cielomar. Family Berndt and Family MacCarthy
Yöpyi 14 yötä kesäkuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

India M.

Enchanting mountaintop
Wow! We saw green macaws playing daily in the trees by the pool.Unbelievable site overlooking the sea and the jungle canyons.Big comfy house.
Yöpyi 14 yötä maaliskuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Denise M.

Nature Lovers Unite!
If you enjoy being off the beaten track, yet near local amenities such as restaurants, shopping, and beaches - and seek to experience a true nature immersion, this is a dream! We were enveloped in a true jungle atmosphere, while being just minutes away from the laid back culture of the surfer towns at the base of the hill. Our family spent a week here, enjoying local wildlife galore, fantastic ocean views, and a serene natural surround, complete with the amenities of home, and a bonus private pool. The staff took excellent care of us and the property. The unique design of the home with its 3rd story bird’s nest open-air lookout offered ample opportunity to share canopy-level bird watching. We witnessed the rare green macaws almost every evening at dusk. The serenade of the howler monkeys is not to be missed. Keep in mind, given the location and design of the home, you will also be greeted by a variety of friendly insects. We are nature people, so we welcomed their visits. Also, the evenings can be cool up in the breezy hillside. We enjoyed the opportunity to have a real brush with jungle flora and fauna in this fantastic location. It is a highlight of our journey!
Yöpyi 7 yötä tammikuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Brett G.

Jungle immersion
What a property! It has a funky house.. a little weird to start, but really cool all in all. The real star though for us was the "jungle". Not sure if it is rainforest, or jungle... but we call it jungle. The house is at the top of the mountain, with expansive views of the ocean and valleys of jungle. We were welcomed by 3 Military Macaws... green pirate parrots. They were on the upper observation deck, and they visited often. We saw a sloth just behind the house... he hung there for a full day. We saw flocks of parrots, several different types of toucans, fireflies, and heard howler monkeys everyday. It was such an experience that we didn't leave nearly as often as we were expecting. It is a very steep hill to the house, and I would concur with the advice of renting a 4 wheel drive vehicle. We never had issues as it was dry, but between loose stones and leaves, I could see it being sketchy when wet if you only had 2 wheel drive. Puerto Viejo was very chill. I would certainly return!
Yöpyi 4 yötä helmikuussa 2019

8/10 Hyvä

Derek T.

wildlife comes to you
Old house and facilities but your there for the surroundings.
Yöpyi 6 yötä tammikuussa 2019

6/10 OK

Robert P.

World Class location but some maintenance lacking
The house is located in a beautiful area in the rain forest. A lot of exotic wild life at your door step. It is a short distance to town with excellent restaurants. World class beaches are also a short distance away. Unfortunately the maintenance seems to be lacking. When we first arrived the house was without any toilet paper in any of the bathrooms. Some room lights through out the house are burned out. At a minimum I expect at least toilet paper to be available and lights to work. The pool was dirty the care taker had to put in a large amount of chlorine to clear the water. The WIFI was not functional (I had been assured this was working by the owner) although a couple of days after we arrived a new WIFI router was installed. As you drive down the driveway there is a heap of bagged garbage that was sitting there the whole time. The roof has a leak above one of the skylights I could see where someone tried to put a plastic sheet over the skylight but it had partially blown off. Fortunately it was the dry season so it only rained lightly a couple of days. There are also a couple of houses being built close to the vacation rental. Some construction noise was heard. The folks building the homes cut through the driveway in back of house to get to their place. They are quite friendly people and I had no problem with their presence but some vacationers may object. We left behind some toilet paper and dish soap (also lacking) for the next visitor. Beautiful house and great location but needs better maintenance.
Yöpyi 6 yötä tammikuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava


Loved our stay at Cielomar!
I highly recommend this property if you are traveling to this part of the country. I had never been to Costa Rica and selected Cielomar based on the pictures and reviews. After getting familiar with the area, I was even more pleased with the choice as the house is .5 mile up a hill and away from the more populated areas, but still a short walk down to the main road, beaches, restaurants, etc. It felt like a separate experience to be at the house, literally in the rainforest, with all the wildlife that can be experienced right outside. You can hear and see the ocean waves crashing in down below. We shuttled in from San Jose. I think it should be mentioned that the drive in, which is clocked by Interbus Caribe at about 4 hours took more like 6.5 hours due to traffic in between San Jose and Limon, but the shuttle back to San Jose was close to 4 so I guess that just depends. I was glad we stayed a full week because that minor hassle faded as we had plenty of time to get comfortable and explore the area once there. It was definitely worth it. We rented a small SUV in Puerto Viejo and that worked fine to see the surrounding area and get up and down the hill with supplies. The home itself is very comfortable and the views and sounds from all three floors are spectacular. I really liked being able to look out at the beautiful jungle view even while showering! The dryer was key to comfort as well as bathing suits/clothes will take forever to dry on their own. The pool really added to the experience as you can swim, float, get refreshed and watch the monkeys, toucans and macaws. Don't miss out on the primo local coffee and chocolate! I loved brewing the coffee with the ancient Costa Rican "sock method". I'm pretty sure that's not the official name! Joaquin was the caretaker, and he helped us up and down the hill with our luggage upon arrival and departure and checked in regularly to make sure all was bueno. Consistent with other reviews, the internet did not work at the house, but we did not care and even our young adult children said they appreciated the break. It really does add to the relaxation and you can easily get internet at any of the restaurants at the base of the hill. Speaking of the restaurants...incredibly delicious and diverse options in both directions. All in all LOVED it.
Yöpyi 7 yötä joulukuussa 2018

10/10 Loistava

Deidra P., Grass Valley, CA

Peaceful Jungle Paradise
What a fabulous time we had. Can't wait to return! Visiting a rain forest jungle was a new type of vacation for us and this one did not disappoint. (We actually only saw rain briefly on two different days.) We flew in to the San Jose Airport, a 4-ish hour drive from CieloMar. The scenic route was beautiful and we enjoyed the drive. You will need a GPS to get out of San Jose, it's extremely confusing. Spend the dough, get a 4WD w/ GPS, so worth it. The driveway to the house would have been a challenge in a 2WD car. We got a diesel Toyota Fortuner and never needed to buy fuel until we were ready to leave after 10 days, and we drove a lot! The house was as described, if not better. Being disconnected from daily news, phones and social media was heavenly. We really rely on customer reviews so I want to be honest here. This place is not for sissies. It's a jungle and jungles come with some humidity and things that crawl. We absolutely loved it. A girly girl would probably struggle here. If you're addicted to social media and need to be "connected" all the time, I won't suggest you stay elsewhere. I will suggest you give it a rest, stay in this beautiful place and take it all in. The world can wait. It's to be experienced, especially heard. The howler monkeys, the parrots, toucans and even the lizards serenade you. I was asked what our favorite part of the trip was. We snorkeled, took boats out fishing with locals, went on jungle walks, saw sloths and monkeys right on the property, hiked to a waterfall, rode horses on the beach, swam daily, ate a lot of great food...yet, my answer was, "just listening". It never grew old, the sounds are amazing. Save your pennies, treat yourself. Even though it's considered to be an undeveloped country, it's not inexpensive. We've already started saving for our next visit. Our favorite space was the upper level at the house. We ate breakfast there and most dinners, too. It was like being in a tree fort. A really nice tree fort :) I was very concerned about mosquitoes and I'm happy to report that I saw about 4 the whole time we were there. With the breeze coming up the hill from the sea, we kept the doors open and the fresh air flowing through the house. The house is earthy and rustic, exactly what we were hoping for! We were greeted upon arrival and given a tour and all of the local numbers of the maintenance people, should we need them for anything. It was an effortless stay. Thanks Kerry!
Yöpyi 9 yötä syyskuussa 2018

2/10 Hirveä

April M.

Only good in pictures
Our stay is what happens when the owner lets go of a beloved caretaker and the property goes to crap. A house in the jungle needs consistent maintenance and a caretaker who is present. All we got from the "caretaker" was a note and she never contacted to check up on anything. The WiFi didnt' work, nor did the SIM card that was provided as that was not compatible with our phones. There was a hole in the screen in the kitchen which we reported was never fixed. I cleaned the pool daily, with the net, as there was an inordinate amount of sediment in the pool. The pillows were moldy and we could only use one shower in the house as the other one was not clean. The shade on the top floor of the house were broken and as a result there was leakage on the floor below. Additionally, the skylight in the bedroom was leaking, so it was raining in the room. As a result, we needed to spend 3 nights in the hotel. This has to be the worst stay I ever had. At present time, the owner has not contacted me to reimburse for the extra monies I had to pay, since the house was not hospitable, especially during rainy season with a leak on the main floor.
Yöpyi 6 yötä elokuussa 2018

10/10 Loistava

Clint H., Round Rock

This was exactly the immersive rainforest experience we were looking for! LOVED IT!
If you are the type of person who likes to see animals from behind cage fences and your idea of "roughing it" is a hotel without room service, then just move along, because this home is not for you. But for the rest of us out there who really want to EXPERIENCE new things when we go on a vacation, get ready for the howler monkeys and birds of the rainforest to tell you their story...up close and personal. This home was a dream come true for us, we wanted to expose our kids to the amazing wildlife in a tropical rainforest and to see and experience things we can't do back home. This house delivered! In our first 24 hours we saw two sloths just a short walk away from the house, a family pack of 6-8 howler monkeys took up residence just above the pool and we came away with many great closeup photos of them, their babies, and the rejected adult male they kicked out, who we named Clyde. :-) Our kids loved all the toucans and parakeets and other critters we saw, like an Agouti. We had to Google some of the animals we saw, like the Pygmy Possum, because they were so exotic we didn't even know what they were. And of course the frogs were awesome too. This home, the neighbors and housecare/maintenance guy, the beaches, Puerto Viejo, all of it was just amazing! We will never forget the laughs and the joy we experienced at this home. Now that we're back home in the states, we all miss our morning serenade from the howler monkeys. Loved it!
Yöpyi 3 yötä heinäkuussa 2018

8/10 Hyvä

Craig & Chris P., Fallbrook, CA, USA

Jungle, wildlife, and an ocean view...what more can you ask for?!
We had a most enjoyable time during our week at Cielomar. Each morning we sipped tea and drank coffee up in the canopy room, while watching for toucans and other birds. Jeff the caretaker’s smart dog, Lily, led us down the road and path to the Playa Chiquita beach, making a point to stop and look back to be sure we were following her. We loved snorkeling in the warm waters of Playa Chiquita and saw many beautiful tropical fish, urchins, sea cucumbers, and an eel. On the road up to the house, there were two sloths in a large tree and we stopped a number of times to watch them and take photos. Howler monkeys woke us up each morning and we saw them in the trees near the sloth. And, White-faced Capuchin monkeys came thru the trees just outside the kitchen window. We really enjoyed Chico the cat’s visits at the house and the pool. All around the home we saw neat katydids, large grasshoppers, other interesting insects and various lizards. And, in the evenings we heard the bats and watched them diving through the air for their dinner. The Internet came and went, but we understand that is typical in Costa Rica. All in all we had a great time at Cielomar!!
Yöpyi 7 yötä lokakuussa 2017

10/10 Loistava

Ian A., Goderich, Ontario

A true Costa Rican experience!
It was just as advertised and just what the doctor ordered. We saw more wildlife from the house and pool than we did on excursions. Over the week, we saw white faced monkeys, howler monkeys, toucans, a chiranga, a sloth, tons of exotic birds and butterflies including a blue morpho butterfly and at least 7 very rare green macaws! The house was beautiful and spacious. The road up was easy with the 4x4. I travelled with my daughtef and 2 nieces, ages 12-15. They had a blast and the caretaker, Jeff was excellent as well. I would come back in a heartbeat! Ian
Yöpyi 7 yötä lokakuussa 2017

8/10 Hyvä

Scott B.

As beautiful as I had hoped
I want to start off by saying how happy we were to Visit Costa Rica and how beautiful the area we stayed. When I go on vacation I want to see as much as I can and do as many things as possible. I stayed 1 week and I am veryglad I chose this house. It is on the less developed side of the country. The house is all hard wood and sits in the forest. We say 2 slothes, 2 agape? (Look like beavers with no tail), more birds than we could count and there were lots of monkeys you can here in the morning and night. You can see them as well but they didn't get close enough the week we were there. There were 5 of us. 2 of us stayed in the master bedroom on the 1st floor. Beautiful views and a great patio to drink coffee in the mornings. Our 3 kids stayed in the 2nd floor bedroom which had 2 beds in it. The 2nd floor is also the maif floor with the kitchen and dining room. They had plenty of dvd's to watch and plenty of towels and blankets so no need to take anything like that. The 2nd and 3 floors have ocean views as well. There is a large swimming pool that we used everyday. It has a large bar area with a sink with running water and a small grill. You could entertain a large amount of people with all the seating it had. I want to mention Lily and Chico. Lily is one of the best dogs I have ever been around and was one of our highlights to the trip. This dog actually had us follow her to the beach without leaving us. She took us down a small path that we probably would have never seen to a small private part of the beach. After she saw we were there she went off for the rest of the day to do whatever she wanted. We hiked that beach area and went back home after a couple of hours. Chico is the cat and a very loving friendly cat as well. A couple of quick things to help you with your trip. There is 1 main road. It's almost impossible to get lost. When you leave the house and you get to the street, you can only go 2 ways. If you go right you go to Mananillo (Hope that"s how it's spelled) This is one of the best and beautiful beaches. It is kid friendly. Small waves. (VERY IMPORTANT if you have a kids) Small tourist shops and Maxies which is an overpriced restaurand. I would pick another in this area. If you go left you have small cute restaurants and panaderias also some small bars and so on for a walk or bike trip. If you are in a car the Jaguar sanctuary is a 5 minute drive. I highly recommend this. YOU NEED A 4x4vehicle as well
Yöpyi 7 yötä heinäkuussa 2017