Was not accurate at all as far as clealiness, it was filthy, smelled so strong of bleach you could barely breathe!Wet sheets were left in dryer,Freezer was broke and built up ice and then leaked onto kitchen floor, back door only had one lock on it.Huge backyard yes, but a joke looked like it has never been mowed and too many limbs and branches down to do any activities, there were no curtains and the floors and baseboards were filthy.I am not a germa fobe, but if i have to pay you a good amount of money for a cleaning service it needs to be clean, no lamp shades garbage can lids broken.At checkout i emailed owners left key advised of issues and asked for cleaning fee back, i did not get any reply.I wil assume he is just an owner who collects money and doesn't care about clients,kills me how he he had such great reviews prior HmmmmI have picts.If anyone is interested. Thank you for your hospitality. I guess e is onecolledowto