Everything about this property was excellent. From the stunning views of Mt. Evans to the fully stocked kitchen/pantry, this property fit the bill. It is a good distance from city life and over 10k feet above sea level, which definitely took some getting used to.
There was plenty of beds, private spaces for the teens to hang out, and bathrooms. The property was clean and stocked and the property owners were excellent to work with.
My wife particularly enjoyed the organization of the kitchen, as the dishware and cookware were in locations that make sense. Normally, she has to rearrange all the cabinetry to make sense of things and make space for food. This kitchen also has a big pantry, which allowed for a weeks worth of food for 7 people! The filtered water was a much appreciated amenity as well.
We loved this property and definitely recommend it for families! Oh, and they are super dog friendly too!