4/10 Poor
30 Dec 2024
Disliked: Cleanliness, amenities, property conditions & facilities
1st - After hoofing it up an extreme amount of steps with my heavy luggage -- I found no one and instead I got to check myself in.
My room... the bed was shoved into a tiny space barely able to fit the two itty bitty side tables and in order to turn out the nearest light I had to move the bed. The couch was set to block the only closet and there was so much space in the main room -- I was thoroughly confused as to the "bedroom" was so claustrophobic (also no windows).
While working the next day I requested to change rooms, and was put on the second floor -- no biggie... I thought. Until the next day when I there was a loud banging while I was trying to work - distracting, and was eventually told the AC was out in the entire complex. (Good thing the weather was rather cool for summer.)
The next day was my first full day off, but while getting ready I noticed a FIST SIZED BROWN STAIN on the comforter on the bed I was using.
Repulsed, I went downstairs to insist on a replacement. 10 minutes later the front desk woman brought me a brand new one still in the wrapping, and took the other one away. I then, overheard her say that the comforter had to be dry cleaned, and noticed that the cleaning ladies weren't taking out ANY of the other comforters. Meaning NONE of them were getting cleaned btwn guests.
The staff was nice and they did comp me 1 night (after I emailed), but I paid extra to stay in a nice AND CLEAN room the whole time -- that's not what I got.
Stayed 7 nights in Dec 2024