Rented this property to celebrate Christmas with extended family. Unfortunately 5 kids came home with NASTY RED BUMPS AND WELTS on various parts of their bodies. Kids are from two separate families and weren’t together before or after the trip so we knew it was from something in the cabin. I immediately took my kid with the more severe bumps and welts to the doctor and she thought they were bed bug bites.
We contacted the owner and he was responsive. He had two separate pest control companies come out to do inspections. The owner shared the inspection reports and while no bed bugs were found, CARPET BEETLES were. The owner seems to think CARPET BEETLES are no big deal because they don't bite.
While CARPET BEETLES don’t “bite” they can leave red welts/bumps and rashes due to an allergic reaction to hairs or bristles on the abdomen of carpet beetle larvae as well as to traces of the insect's blood. (GROSS!) These welts/bumps are easily confused with bed bug bites because they both often appear in a straight line or row.
I requested a partial refund given the time, worry and trouble the CARPET BEETLES caused - for two full days after our stay two mothers had to do research to try to figure out what caused the welts/bumps/rashes, carefully inspect and launder all clothes and luggage brought home from the property and incur costs taking one kid to the doctor to try to figure out what was going on. Not what you expect after returning from a stay at an “Upscale Retreat”.
I left the amount of the refund up to the owner but instead of refunding us for our time cleaning and researching, kid's discomfort and medical bill, he offered a free 4 night stay in the Spring or Summer. While he assured us he is steam cleaning the carpet, staying at the cabin again is not a risk I want to take. Not everyone is allergic to CARPET BEETLES but I know my kids are allergic so I said NO THANK YOU to his offer of a free stay.
RENTERS BEWARE - if you are allergic to CARPET BEETLES there is a good chance you will come home from this property with some nasty bumps and welts!!