Koko loma-asunto

Paeta tavallinen ~ Käy Pele!

Valitse päivät nähdäksesi hinnat

tämänhetkiset kuukautesi ovat December 2024 ja January 2025.
joulukuu 2024
tammikuu 2025

Majoituspaikan Paeta tavallinen ~ Käy Pele! valokuvagalleria

Jääkaappi, mikroaaltouuni, uuni, liesi


9,0 kautta 10.


Koko koti

1 makuuhuone1 kylpyhuone5 henkilöä93 m²

Suositut palvelut/mukavuudet

  • Pysäköinti saatavilla
    Pysäköinti saatavilla
  • Pyykinpesukone
  • Grilli
  • Keittiö
  • Kuivausrumpu
  • Ulkotilat

Tutustu alueeseen

Pahoa, HI
  • Star of the Sea Painted Church
    8 min ajomatka
  • Pahoa Museum
    14 min ajomatka
  • Kehena Beach
    15 min ajomatka
  • Hilo, Havaiji (ITO-Hilon kansainvälinen lentokenttä)
    43 min ajomatka


Samankaltaisia majoituspaikkoja

Tietoja majoituspaikasta

Kokonaan sinun

Koko koti on vain sinun ja muiden ryhmääsi kuuluvien jäsenten käytössä.

Paeta tavallinen ~ Käy Pele!

Relax & virkistäytyä COMFY, upouusi viidakko perääntyä. Tämä todella on "Escape from Ordinary!"

Tämä alue on rehevää ja vihreää ja on paras sää saarella. Vallitseva kaupan tuulet puhaltavat juuri oikeaan suuntaan pitää lämpötila miellyttävä ympäri vuoden. Trooppinen, rehevä ja vihreä raikas puhdas ilma (kirjaimellisesti puhtain ilma maan päällä!) ja monia upeita asioita, nähdä ja tehdä.

Tämä kaunis koti on tahrattoman puhdas, kauniisti sisustettu ja suunniteltu erittäin mukava off-grid elävä. Sijaitsee Musta Sands yhteisö, jota ympäröi viidakko, coqui sammakot laulaa nukkumaan yöllä ja se on erityisen jännittävää, kun saamme voimakkaan sadekuuron yöllä, koska katto on metallia, ja äänet ovat awesomely viidakossa!

Löydät vieraskirja talo tiedot ja ohjeet upeita paikkoja kaikki vain muutaman kilometrin päässä talosta, mukaan lukien "salainen paikkoja", että et löydä mistään turisti kirja.

Tämä on täydellinen paikka seikkailu hakijoita ja ne, jotka eivät riipu TV viihdettä.
Niin hyvin, hyvin mukava päästä pois kaiken!

Tällä alueella nimeltään Puna olemme siunattu niin monia suuria asioita, nähdä ja tehdä. Täältä löydät puhtaat vedet ja puhtain ilma maan päällä. Kotimme on vain minuutin rannat kuten Kehena, tai nauttia upeasta vaellus pitkin kuninkaat polku valkoinen hiekkaranta nimeltään Shipmans. Rentoudu luonnollisella geotermisesti lämmitettävällä kuumalla uima-altaalla, jota kutsutaan kuningattareksi, sekä surffaamaan Isaac Hale Beach Parkissa, kalastettaessa Mackenzie Parkissa, loitsuja, lava-katselua, luonnollisia höyryilmiöitä, upeita markkinoita ja viehättävä kylä Pahoa ulkona , viehättäviä kauppoja, perheystävällisiä ja hienoja ruokia.
Joka sunnuntai, vain hwy 130: llä löydät suurimman, parhaan ja monipuolisimman maanviljelijän markkinat koko Havaijin saariketjussa - Maku'un markkinat, kaiken mitä odotat ja paljon muuta, kuten elävää musiikkia ja tanssia. Joka keskiviikko ilta, vain 2 kilometrin päässä Uncle Robertin löydät "täytyy tehdä" - fantastinen yö markkinoilla täydellinen paikallisten käsityöläisten, upea lähiruoka myyjät, Kava baari ja elävää musiikkia ja tanssia - saatat jopa pystyä ottamaan vuonna hula show! Syö, juo ja iloitse! Sway tahdissa aito Hawaiian löysällä avain ja ukulele ja nauttia yhteisöllisyyttä täällä.

Tämä loma-asunto sijaitsee lähellä kohdetta SPACE Seaview Performing Arts Center. Loma-asunnossa tarjoaa asiakkaiden käyttöön esimerkiksi ilmaisen Wi-Fi-yhteyden ja keittiön.
  • Loma-asunnossa tarjoaa asiakkaille keittiön, pyykinpesukoneen ja parvekkeen
  • Ilmainen Wi-Fi
  • Majoituspaikka tarjoaa asiakkaille juomavesiautomaatin
  • Sijaitsee 8 minuutin ajomatkan päässä kohteesta Star of the Sea Painted Church ja 14 minuutin ajomatkan päässä kohteesta Pahoa Museum
Tämä loma-asunto tarjoaa asiakkaiden käyttöön grillejä, puutarhan ja juomavesiautomaatin. Vastaanotto on avoinna ympäri vuorokauden.


Joanna Renner

Puhutut kielet


Majoituspaikan palvelut/mukavuudet


  • Saatavilla talossa: ilmainen Wi-Fi

Pysäköinti ja liikenneyhteydet

  • Auto vaaditaan
  • Paikan päällä pysäköinti


  • Juomavesiautomaatti
  • Jääkaappi
  • Kahvin-/vedenkeitin
  • Keittovälineet, astiat ja ruokailuvälineet
  • Leivänpaahdin
  • Liesi
  • Mausteita
  • Mikroaaltouuni
  • Paperipyyhkeet
  • Tehosekoitin
  • Uuni
  • Vedenkeitin


  • Ruokapöytä


  • Lakanat saatavilla
  • Makuuhuone


  • 1 kylpyhuone
  • Kylpyamme
  • Kylpyamme tai suihku
  • Pyyhkeet saatavilla
  • Saippua
  • Sampoo
  • Suihku
  • Vessapaperi


  • Erillinen ruokailualue
  • Olohuone
  • Ruokapöytä


  • Kirjoja
  • Pelejä


  • Grilli
  • Parveke
  • Puutarha
  • Puutarhakalusteet


  • Itsepalvelupesula lähistöllä
  • Pyykinpesukone


  • Lemmikkejä ei sallita


  • Savuton majoituspaikka
  • Majoittajan kommentti: Smoking is allowed outdoors. Please use ashtray.

Palvelut ja mukavuudet

  • Lakanoiden vaihto (pyynnöstä)
  • Pyyhkeiden vaihto pyynnöstä
  • Siivouspalvelu (pyynnöstä)


  • Lähellä eläintarhaa
  • Lähellä huvivenesatamaa
  • Lähellä meren rantaa
  • Maaseudulla
  • Sairaalan lähellä
  • Terveys-/kauneushoitolan lähellä


  • Golf
  • Vesiurheiluvälineitä
  • Ekokiertoajeluja lähistöllä
  • Kalastusmahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Laitesukellusmahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Lintubongausmahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Luolaretkeilyä lähistöllä
  • Metsästysmahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Moottoriveneilymahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Pyöräilymahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Ratsastusmahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Snorklausmahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Surffaus-/bodyboarding-mahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Uintimahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Vaellus-/pyöräilyreittejä lähistöllä
  • Valaiden katselumahdollisuus lähistöllä
  • Villieläinkävelyretkiä lähistöllä


  • Häkävaroitin (majoittaja on ilmoittanut, että majoituspaikassa on häkävaroitin)
  • Savuvaroitin (majoittaja on ilmoittanut, että majoituspaikassa on savuvaroitin)
  • Ensiapulaukku
  • Palosammutin
  • Suoratelkilukko


  • Aurinkovoima
  • Bed sheets changed on request
  • Eläimiä kohdellaan inhimillisesti
  • Energiaa säästävät katkaisimet huoneissa
  • Esittelee paikallisten taiteilijoiden töitä
  • Hiilijalanjäljen vuosittainen kompensointi (vähintään 10 % hiilijalanjäljestä)
  • Housekeeping (on request)
  • Juomavesiautomaatin käyttöä suositellaan
  • Jälleeninvestointeja yhteisöön ja kestävyyteen (vähintään 10 % tuloista)
  • Kaksilasiset ikkunat
  • Kattava kierrätyskäytäntö
  • Kattava ruokajätettä koskeva käytäntö
  • Kompostointimahdollisuus
  • Käyttää vain uusiutuvaa energiaa
  • Majoitustilan koko: 93 neliömetriä
  • Paikallisten omistamia ja järjestämiä retkiä ja aktiviteetteja
  • Pesuveden kierrätysjärjestelmä
  • Puutarha
  • Towels (changed on request)
  • Uudelleenkäytettävät kahvi-/teesuodattimet
  • Vettä säästävät suihkut
  • Vettä säästävät WC-istuimet
  • Vähintään 80 % kaikesta valaistuksesta on peräisin LED-lampuista
  • Ympäristöystävällisiä siivoustuotteita käytetään



Sisäänkirjautuminen alkaa klo 16.00
Kontaktiton sisäänkirjautuminen saatavilla
Sisäänkirjautujien alaikäraja – 18


Uloskirjautuminen ennen klo 10.00
Kontaktiton uloskirjautuminen saatavilla

Sisäänkirjautumisen erikoisohjeet::

Saat majoittajalta ohjeet sisään- ja uloskirjautumiseen sähköpostitse.


  • Lemmikkejä ei sallita

Lapset ja varavuoteet

  • Lapset ovat tervetulleita.

Tärkeää tietoa

Hyvä tietää

Tätä majoituspaikkaa hallinnoi majoitusyritys. Se tarjoaa majoitusta kaupankäynti-, ammatinharjoittamis- tai liiketoimintatarkoituksissa.
Lisähenkilöistä saatetaan veloittaa maksu, joka vaihtelee majoituspaikoittain
Sisäänkirjautumisen yhteydessä saatetaan vaatia virallinen kuvallinen henkilöllisyystodistus sekä pankki- tai luottokortti tai käteisellä maksettava takuumaksu mahdollisten lisämaksujen varalta.
Erityispyyntöjen toteutuminen riippuu saatavuudesta sisäänkirjautumishetkellä, ja niistä saatetaan veloittaa lisämaksuja. Erityispyyntöjen toteutumista ei voida taata.
Juhlien tai ryhmätapahtumien järjestäminen on kielletty majoituspaikassa
Tämä majoituspaikka hyödyntää aurinkovoimaa, ja lisäksi siellä on käytössä harmaan veden kierrätysjärjestelmä ja ympäristöystävälliset puhdistusaineet
Majoittaja on ilmoittanut, että majoituspaikassa on häkävaroitin
Majoittaja on ilmoittanut, että majoituspaikassa on palovaroitin
Tämän majoituspaikan turvaominaisuuksiin kuuluu palosammutin, ensiapupakkaus ja suoratelkilukko
Tätä majoituspaikkaa hallinnoi kumppanimme Vrbo. Saat Vrbolta sähköpostitse linkin Vrbo-tilille, jonka kautta voit muuttaa varaustasi tai peruuttaa sen.
Saat majoittajalta sisään- ja uloskirjautumisohjeet sähköpostitse. Saat myös Vrbolta sähköpostitse linkin Vrbo-tilille, jonka kautta voit hallinnoida varaustasi.
Majoituspaikan rekisteröintinumero TA-128-258-5600-01, GE-128-258-5600-01

Majoituspaikka tunnetaan myös nimellä

Escape Ordinary Visit Pele House Pahoa
Escape Ordinary Visit Pele Pahoa
Escape Ornary Visit Pele Paho
Escape The Ordinary Visit Pele
Escape the Ordinary ~ Visit Pele! Pahoa
Escape the Ordinary ~ Visit Pele! Private vacation home
Escape the Ordinary ~ Visit Pele! Private vacation home Pahoa

Escape to a beautiful getaway deep in nature yet close to everything. – arvostelut




Arvosana 10 - Loistava. 27 kautta 37 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 8 - Hyvä. 5 kautta 37 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 6 - OK. 1 kautta 37 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 4 - Huono. 2 kautta 37 arvostelua" "
Arvosana 2 - Hirveä. 2 kautta 37 arvostelua" "




10/10 Loistava

Joel P.

Hyvää: Siisteys
beautiful escape
I loved the house!!! It was immaculate and I was impressed with the off grid aspect - you wouldn't know you were off grid . It was comfortable and fun!! I have already recommended it to my friends and family.
Yöpyi 3 yötä helmikuussa 2024

10/10 Loistava

Tarkistettu asiakas

Hyvää: Siisteys
Perfect Getaway
This quaint home is in the perfect location right between the little town of Pahoa and the beach areas near Kalapana and Kehena. It's nestled in the jungle, peaceful, quiet, private but near enough to neighbors to know we are always safe. This is my fourth stay here. I keep returning because it's so perfect for me, and at a great price. The home has everything we could possibly need for a very comfortable stay. We enjoy the open design layout along with nice Hawaiian decor. We will be back!
Yöpyi 2 yötä lokakuussa 2023

10/10 Loistava

Morgan G.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Great Little Off-Grid Hawaiian Bungalow!
A wonderful area in the rural Hawaii jungle yet pretty central to the shops in Pahoa and not far from the nightlife in Hilo!! Such an adorable off-grid Hawaiian cottage stocked with dishes & utensils for food prep. However, the stove/oven was broken upon arrival and not mentioned on the listing which impacted our ability to make food.
Yöpyi 7 yötä tammikuussa 2023

8/10 Hyvä

Linda W.

The location was just what we needed
This was our third stay at this cottage. I think it may have changed owners since our last stay in 2017 and it needs a little work. Two things the book said were there but were missing were a Bryta water filter and a French Press coffee maker. And a few things that should have been there are a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, can opener and maybe some games. We had some trouble with the stove. We couldn't get the oven to light at all and there were times when the burners on the stove would not turn off. A couple of times we had to really fiddle with the knobs to get the gas to turn off. That could be very dangerous. I was glad to see that the solar system is up and running, but there is still a problem with the hot water. We discovered the only way to take a shower is to turn on the water in the kitchen sink while you take a shower. Then the water pump will stay on. I know the book says not to take long showers to conserve water, but we had abundant rain while we were there. And you can take a shower while someone else washes dishes. We had the same problem in our cabins in Alaska and the solution was to get rid of the low flow shower head. We rented this cabin while we were working on our property in the neighborhood.
Yöpyi 5 yötä lokakuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

Diana R.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Perfect Romantic Spot
It was absolutely wonderful! We loved the charming decor, spacious rooms, and amenities. It was our anniversary and it was the perfect romantic spot with sunny days and rainy nights, nightly coqui frogs chorus, lush jungle privacy and close to beaches and town. Mahalo!
Yöpyi 7 yötä maaliskuussa 2022

10/10 Loistava

Tarkistettu asiakas

Hyvää: Siisteys
Perfect stay in the lush Puna jungle
Really cute home with all the amenities. Recommended by a friend who stayed here before. Close to everything but feels remote. Very nice stay. We will recommend to our friends and family.
Yöpyi 9 yötä maaliskuussa 2022

6/10 OK

Alan N.

Punahou Review
Not satisfied with the house manager and her house responsibilities.
Yöpyi 96 yötä joulukuussa 2021

10/10 Loistava

Graydon C., Dryfork

Hyvää: Siisteys
For those willing to rough it a bit, and be modest with resources, it is a perfect location
Very beautiful location and perfect for the modest traveler who does not want luxury.
Yöpyi 28 yötä helmikuussa 2021

10/10 Loistava

Laura F.

Hyvää: Siisteys
A True Hidden Gem
This little home is absolutely wonderful and is in the perfect location; right in between the quaint town of Pahoa and Kalapana. You will be sung to sleep by the sweet lullaby of coqui frogs every night 😌. The home itself has everything you could possibly need for a very comfortable stay: a fully stocked kitchen with a gas range stove, fridge/freezer, all kitchen utensils you could ever need to cook amazing meals, an island with tons of space to prepare food, a huge sink, a French Press and much more. There are three beds in total: one queen size bed in the main living area and a bunk bed (which my som LOVED) in the screened in lanai (which also has a full living room seating area) and they are SO comfortable! There is a full bathroom stocked with bath & hand towels, soap, cleaning supplies etc. The layout of the home is open concept and has such darling decor (kukui nut and seashell necklaces drape over picture frames and mirrors and there are some wonderful books to read as well). There is also a dining room table to be able to enjoy your meals or your morning cup of coffee ^_^ It was so easy to get in contact with the owner. She was very quick to answer any questions we had and made us feel so welcome. Everyone in this neighbourhood is so friendly and loves to chat. This home does not come with a tv but who needs tv when you have such beauty surrounding you and so many things to do?! Don’t worry, the internet is super fast, hehe. I HIGHLY recommend this place if you’re looking for the perfect, peaceful getaway.
Yöpyi 1 yön joulukuussa 2020

8/10 Hyvä

Lori N.

Private and Unplugged
Charming getaway. Quiet and private. WiFi not great but it means you can “unplug” and relax with the silence. There’s a trick to working the hot water in the shower. I normally stay in resorts that come equipped with every amenity. This was an experience for sure. I would definitely recommend this unpretentious cottage. Mahalo nui!!!

10/10 Loistava

Todd W.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Very relaxibg
Loved the quiet and not rush of the usual resort, it was very quiet and peaceful

4/10 Huono

Adina M.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Know What You are Getting Into!
This is a mixed review. If you have been reading the reviews, you can see that some of them are very good and some are poor, and now that we have stayed here, I can see that both are accurate. First, the pluses: a peaceful, "off the grid" stay in a beautiful, lush and un-touristy part of the Big Island. If you like "glamping," if you want to get away from the slick hotels and all that, this is great. If you like fresh limes growing in your front yard, the sound of coqui frogs at night, and friendly geckos sharing your space (often in the bed with you!), this is the place for you. The other HUGE plus was Matt, the property manager. if he had not been so responsive, we would not have been able to stay at this place at all. He visited at least 4-5 times, was late for work once because he stopped by to make sure all was well, came over late at night, brought a cistern of fresh water, and was beyond helpful. The fact that he NEEDED to come by so quickly and so often is part of the negative, which you will see below. The cons: When we arrived, there was no power. The water pump also runs on power, which meant there was no running water. This was because the solar-powered battery had run down in the week before we arrived, and when the charge in the battery gets too low, it trips (to save itself from overheating) and then completely stops being able to receive a charge from the solar panels. There was nothing at all about this in the instruction booklet that was provided by Sara, the owner. I called her to let her know there was no power and she said, "You know it's off the grid, right?" Yes, I knew it was off the grid, but it was supposed to have things like lights and running water, which it did not have. Sara was not on the island and told me to call Matt, which I had. Matt was amazing. He brought over a generator, which immediately got the lights and fans running. However, the water pump can only be run by the battery and NOT by a generator, and the generator can't charge the battery, which meant we had to hope for a sunny day the next day in order to get running water. In the meantime, Matt brought over large buckets of water so we could flush the toilet but there was no other running water in the house. Luckily the battery got charged enough to run the water pump by the next afternoon. The system had more problems in the following days, overloading and stalling and Matt had to come by three more times. Bottom line: don't expect perfection.
Yöpyi 7 yötä joulukuussa 2019

10/10 Loistava

Travis T.

Hyvää: Siisteys
Stay in black sands
I’ve stayed here a month. It’s been a wonderful thing. I love the rural location. It’s very quiet and tucked away in a tropical sweet spot. My granddaughter loved the bunk beds. It’s been a wonderful stay for me. Thanks Sara!

10/10 Loistava

John M., Portland, Or

Enjoyable experience again
This was our second time staying here, this time the house had solar electricity which really made it comfortable by not having to run a generator. Well stocked kitchen, and nice Lanai.
Yöpyi 12 yötä maaliskuussa 2019

2/10 Hirveä

Trudi R.

This property is misrepresented in the description and photo’s
If we could give this property a zero star or a negative we would. We informed the property owner that we would be staying for approximately one month and that during that time my mother and our two sons would visit for four days. Sara responded with “Great! They will have plenty of room and I don’t charge extra for additional guests.” As we were boarding our flight to Hawaii we received a text message indicating that the washer and dryer does not work and that we would have use a laundromat in town. As we entered the neighborhood where the shack was located we felt as if we were driving through a salvage yard. Plenty of unimproved properties and junk vehicles sitting alongside the road. As we pulled in the driveway the carport that is advertised as a garage was occupied by an old junky truck. Still trying to be positive we entered the property to find that it is actually a studio and not a one bedroom home. As you open the front door the bed is directly to your left and small table to your right. The room that she claims “acts” as a second bedroom is actually a screened in porch with a bunckbed and small sitting area. There is not one closet or dresser for your clothes. Our suite cases would have to be kept on the floor. In review of the property description we realized that the pictures are of the same areas only with the furniture rearranged including beds in different locations to give the appearance of something that it is not. After a long day of travel even taking a shower was a challenge as the water cycled from very hot to very cold. Again still trying to make it work we contacted the maintenance man about the washer and dryer as well as the WiFi and the house not actually being a one bedroom. He informed us that the washer and dryer are a problem and would likely not work during our stay. He did indicate he would try to fix the WiFi but said it is sketchy. When we mentioned the description he said he apologized and had been trying to get Sara to change it for some time. At this point we contacted VRBO. In their review they agreed that the property was misrepresented and moved us to another location. We have continued to try contacting the property owner beginning the day of our arrival. She will not take our calls and now will not respond to text. Worst of all she is not refunding ANY of our money that we paid her in advance and in good faith for our stay. She will likely respond to this with a myriad of excuses. Please beware!
Yöpyi 10 yötä tammikuussa 2019

8/10 Hyvä

Mark W.

Definitely off the grid, but just what we needed.
My wife and I are campers, so with that said, we were right at home with this rental. The house is a basically a studio with a bunk bed in the lanai. The bedroom dining room and kitchen are one room with a bathroom, and the lanai has some very nice patio furniture and a bunk bed for extra sleeping. Definitly worth the money we paid. If you are looking for quiet and peaceful this is it. This unit, like most has a catchment system for water, but a Berkey is available for filtering the water. Solar power only, so no TV please. Never had a problem with water or power. Visits to the Black sand beach and Uncle Robert's were memorable to say the least. Great restaurants are available in Pahoa, including Kaleo's, Pele's Kitchen, and the Black Rock Cafe. All on all, we had a great time and are looking forward to our next trip to Hawaii.

4/10 Huono

Leon F.

Did not meet expectations. Online description is not up to date.
My wife and I rented this home for a week when we traveled to Hawaii for our honeymoon. We were looking for something simple, but comfortable. This house grabbed our attention as it had great ratings, was affordable, and had everything we needed without the extra distractions. Washer, dryer, hot water, indoor plumbing, electricity, no TV, quiet, etc. We had all these things and it was amazing...for a day. After a day of hiking to remote beaches, browsing through markets and shops in Hilo, and a full day of adventures, we were looking forward to returning and taking a much needed shower. We returned to our quaint little home to find to our dismay, there was no power. No problem, candle light is romantic. However, the water ran off of an electric pump. No shower, no running tap water, no flushing toilet. This lasted for three and a half days as we and Matt, the truly amazing manager of the property, worked on the generator, the solar panels, and the battery system trying to restore power and running water to our home. 3 1/2 days of evenings by candle light, taking sponge baths and flushing the toilet with gallons of water we would fill on our adventures during the day. When we contacted Sara, the owner, the second day of having no power or water she stated, "It is part of off grid living, you'll just have to make the best of it", then proceeded to blame our situation on the one time use of the advertised washing machine (the dryer was out of commission with a broken belt). She stated, "all the updates to the advertisement are written in the welcome guide", which we were unable to find until the third day as it was buried under magazines and travel guides (It's an unmarked photo album if you are looking). When we attempted to speak with her about alternative options for in case power was not returned, she refused to speak on the subject and quickly ended the conversation. The power and water returned on day 5 of our trip, thanks to Matt's efforts, and we greatly enjoyed the rest of our stay in Pahoa. As we both grew up in rural eastern Oregon, we are accustomed to "off grid" living and did not have a great deal of trouble adjusting to make the most of our trip. Running the generator, ensuring safe drinking water, and trouble shooting the power system was not difficult. However, in the end, our experience at this house was not as advertised and was not what we believe that we paid for as part of our honeymoon.
Yöpyi 7 yötä joulukuussa 2018

10/10 Loistava

Claudia F.

Quiet retreat
We really enjoyed our week's stay in the house. It was super easy to access and had everything we needed. The lanai offered a space for reading and listening to the frogs and rain. Clean and great location. We also used the kitchen a lot which helped to save $$ on eating out all the time. It was a good distance from Volcano and Hilo too.
Yöpyi 6 yötä helmikuussa 2018

10/10 Loistava

Carrie A.

Really Peaceful 🌴
This is our second stay at this sweet home. This time we stayed for eight days and again were not disappointed. The house is adorable and well appointed. Excellent basics are there and doesn’t take much to make it your own for your visit. We love the kitchen! The back room is very nice with a great set of bunk beds if you have extra visitors with you. Honestly we never use the back as cute as it is.....and it IS really charming. We gravitate always no matter the time of day to the front porch . The propane fridge and hot water work well. Generators equally work perfect and honestly it was fun to have wifi this time even though it is a non essential for us. Love the area. We spend every day at Pohoiki swimming, sunning and make great use of the local restaurants in the evening. A small town with tons of options . Uncle Robert’s on Wednesday is SO much fun. This is a quiet pleasant neighbourhood.....great to fall asleep listening to the frogs. Sara is very good to do business with. Easily accessible. And to her credit and the gentleman she has in case of maintanence issues ...we have never needed. Says a lot. Thank you so much Sara!
Yöpyi 8 yötä helmikuussa 2018

8/10 Hyvä

William W.

Yes a stay in the Jungle!
Just right for a couple. Not hard to operate off the grid. Appreciated the Wifi. Verizon service was nil. A very good value!
Yöpyi 6 yötä tammikuussa 2018

10/10 Loistava

John M., Portland, Or

enjoyable stay despite the time of year
This house was just what we wanted for our short stay. Everything worked well, even had internet, thanks to the owner having it installed the day before we arrived. The bed was extremely comfortable. Kitchen and dinning area works great for entertaining guests. Hot water works, just may take a couple minutes to heat up. One generator is enough to run the lights and internet, easy to operate. Definitely will want to stay here again on our next trip.
Yöpyi 8 yötä marraskuussa 2017

10/10 Loistava

Linda W.

Excellent location for our purposes
This is our second stay at this lovely cottage and probably won't be the last. The area is very quiet but still close enough to activities to make it fun. Had a great night at Uncle Robert's. The music was fantastic. Can't wait until you get the solar installed so the generator won't need to be used just for lights.
Yöpyi 5 yötä maaliskuussa 2017

10/10 Loistava

Harold C.

This property is just what is described in the description. Cold Fridge / freezer - stove and oven work great - the bed comfortable - Oil lanterns worked well - Shower worked good with a little patience - no problem with the generator the one time we used it to wash clothes - washer and dryer worked well. As stated in the property description there are No lights without starting the generator which they ask you not to do except for once a week to wash a load of clothes, no internet or tv but that is all stated in the description. It's a little bummer to look out the front and the electric poles are right there across the street but........... The house was cool and again the bed was comfortable (1st of March) for sleeping. My complaints were there was old food items in the drawers and spice racks (I mean really old / mildewed) and dog hair was plentiful especially in the back screened in sitting area socks were full every day. Bring matches to light the lanterns or fire up the stove and use a piece of paper. Also there is only one bed but there are blow up mattresses if you have a way to blow them up. Non of these were enough to complain to the manager of the property but it would be better if they were addressed. Overall a nice place for a single or a couple wanting to get away from it all .... literally.
Yöpyi 6 yötä maaliskuussa 2017

10/10 Loistava

Carrie A.

Peaceful vacation getaway.
My husband and I just returned home from a lovely getaway in this quaint,charming house in the jungle. The cottage is homey and well set up for travellers. I can't think of a thing we needed. There are two generators if you want power (ie lights on in the evening,) or if you want to do laundry (which we had no need) . You could easily never use the generators at all and not miss it. Hot water on demand worked good, the stove and fridge worked very well. There is a manager in the neighbourhood who showed my husband how to work everything on our first day there and was a quick phone call away when we had other minor questions. We made good use of the charcoal grill. The front porch is where we spent the majority of our time. Loved the front porch. So absolutely peaceful having coffee out there in the morning watching the sun come up....or having a glass of wine in the evenings listening to the frogs and playing cards. Pahoa is a vibrant little town. So many great places to eat and shops to poke around in. Issac Hale Park (Poihiki) is a short drive away and is a great place to swim and picnic. This area is so scenic and lush. A must see. Lava tours are extremely popular right now and just stunning to witness.I highly recommend this rental. I think everyone who visits Hawaii should see it from this perspective as well. Thank you Sara and Dusk. We had a great visit !
Yöpyi 5 yötä tammikuussa 2017

8/10 Hyvä

Karin S., Near Moose Jaw, Saskatchwan

Nice off the grid cabin!
We enjoyed staying in this little jungle cabin. The frogs sing you to sleep every night, and the complete darkness make for a great sleep. Note that if more than two are staying here, the second bed is an air mattress. The generator worked great for the evenings and it was good to be without cell service so played cards and talked with our teens in the evenings. Very close to a great Wednesday night market, with great food and live bands. There is a binder with all kinds of attractions that are closer by. We did go to the west side of the island, about a two hour drive, to escape the rain sometimes (we understand that Dec. is the rainiest month).
Yöpyi 11 yötä joulukuussa 2016